Never knew a wolf would be my way out of depression! II Part 2

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Request: cjbricker24

I forgot to mention this in the first part, but one of the main reasons why our protagonist was bullied was because he was the only human in the school, the others were humanoid animals, like everyone in the game other than the player.

Warning: some cussing, but I don't think that's much of a problem.


The bell rang, signaling the start of lessons. I stood there for a few more minutes, just... looking into space, holding back tears.

Eventually, I got out of the restroom and ran to the exit of the school and I somehow could get through the doors. They usually lock them during class time.

I ran as fast as I could, trying to let less people see me. I even heard some girls giggling behind me as I ran.

Nearing the house me and the two animals lived in, I felt my eyes start watering, knowing that I'll be in the comfort of my own home in a minute or two.

Bursting through the door, I shocked both Rash and Willow, leaving them speechless.

Though one of them could notice tears streaming down my face, and it was Willow.

I slammed the door behind me, running for the bathroom. I locked the door behind me, and the first thing I did was rest my back against the locked door and catch my breath.

I heard knocking on the door behind me. It was Willow.

"Hey, are you okay? Aren't you supposed to be at school?"

"Can you leave me alone?!" I yelled back, shocking her a little. The wolf decided to comply and left me alone.

3rd POV

In the living room

"What's up with him?" Rash asked Willow as she walked back into the living room.

"I don't know. He just yelled at me to leave him alone, so I let him be." The wolf answered as she sat down and opened her phone, then TikTok to see the latest viral videos. 

After a few scrolls, her eyes widened, seeing a certain video three times within five scrolls, all having millions of views even though they were uploaded around 15 minutes ago.

"Rash. Look at this." Willow showed the video to Rash, his eyes widening as well.

"WHAT THE HELL?! HOW COULD THEY?! AND THEY EVEN UPLOADED IT ON FUCKING TIKTOK!" The raccoon yelled after slamming the table in front of him.

Willow sighed, watching the video again. "I'll wait for him to come out of the bathroom, then I'll talk to him."

Rash, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm down, answered, "Alright. What his schoolmates did is unforgivable. I hope you can comfort him."

"Are you doubting my abilities at comforting, raccoon? Do you remember who saved your ass?" Willow snickered, then walked towards (Y/N)'s room.

"*sigh* This wolf.. She's gonna be the end of me." Rash mumbled.

(Y/N)'s POV

I got done with my shower, now I was clean. It was luck that the paint didn't dry.

I walked back to my room with a towel around my waist, changing into a new set of clothes.

After I was done I laid down on my bed, and then another wave of sadness washed over me.

Just then, I heard a knock on the door. Already knowing who it was, I told her to come in. Willow slowly opened the door, first peeking in then coming inside and closing the door behind her.

"What's up, Willow?" I asked her, trying to delay the inevitable. They probably uploaded the videos to the internet and she most likely saw them already, and I don't want to start listening to her laughing at me.

She walked closer to my bed, staying quiet. Willow then laid down next to me, and hugged my head against her chest, making my eyes widen.

"I saw what happened.. I don't know why anyone has to be so evil to you just because you're a human." Willow mumbled, loud enough for me to hear, "You don't deserve this. You're such a kind soul, you even helped me and Rash when we were at our lowest..."

Her comforting words made me start to tear up. That was the first time in half a year that anyone said anything kind like this to me. I hugged her back, pressing my head more into her purple shirt.

"Those people are lucky I don't go to that school, their ass would've been beat up already." That remark of Willow's made me chuckle a little, "Though it's still unacceptable that they acted like that and there was no teacher to stop them. You know, I gotta tell you that you're the bravest and the strongest boy I've ever met and what those low lives say shouldn't matter to you. You survived 3 months without your parents and you never gave up, you had four jobs and you still took us in, and even though you have those bullies at school you keep on going there, and not giving up. I know you've been hurting and it must have been hard. But I'm here for you. You can talk to me, I hear you. You can even cry to me, and I will still be there. You know it's okay to cry."

That was it. It was that last sentence that released the waterworks. I held tightly onto Willow while crying my eyes out, sobbing and crying out loudly, staining her shirt. The wolf just hugged me and caressed my head, playing with my hair while also giving out a faint 'Shh' every few seconds.

Rash could hear everything from where he was seated. 'Yeah, you were right, Willow. I shouldn't have doubted you in the first place.'

Willow's POV

It's been one and an half hours since I've been lying next to (Y/N). An hour ago he fell asleep, getting tired of crying.

I feel so bad for him! Maybe I should take him somewhere in town. I don't know, I should ask Rash about that, he might know more about that stuff.

I was still playing with his hair, not noticing the smile spreading across my face.

"I'm sorry for staining your shirt.." I heard a male voice under me. (Y/N) woke up already.

"No, don't worry about it. I can just change into another one." I wanted to get up to change, but (Y/N) held onto me tighter to keep me in place.

"Please, don't go.. I want to stay like this with you... Willow." He fell asleep again. A smile then appeared on his face, showing his satisfaction. Oh how cute!

I hugged him into me, resting my chin on his head. 'I've never seen this cute side of him! I think I'm in love!'

But I never thought that such a storm was brewing in the background.


Vote and comment if you want a third part to this!! And I hope you liked it! I tried my best with the comforting part.

Words: 1123

A Willow x Male Reader Book. [REQUESTS OPEN]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz