Never knew a wolf would be my way out of depression! II Part 1

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Requested: cjbricker24
This was in my drafts, so I decided to finish this first before writing anything else. Hope you like it.


(Y/N)'s POV:

I was walking to the store to buy groceries and stuff after visiting my parents' grave at the graveyard.

Yep. They are dead. They died in a car crash a few months ago... I have been living alone since, with 2 spare rooms in case any guest comes to the house. I was also still in high school and have 3 part-time jobs, and I also have some bullies at school. They are usually bullying me verbally, but sometimes physically, like shoving me in lockers, throwing the balls in P.E. at me full speed "accidentally", you know, the usual stuff jocks would do to the so-called nerds in the school.

Oh and also I'm 17.

I don't really have friends since I focus on my jobs and studies, so I don't have time to hang out with anybody, making them get bored of me, then leaving me.

By the time I introduced myself to you guys, I finished my shopping, and got out of the building. I looked to my right, on the other side of the street, to see a raccoon look at me, and when he noticed me he ran in the alley.

I decided to follow after him, crossing the street. It was quite a big alley and it was difficult to find him, but I finally found a room that was locked from the inside. Luckily only one bag was in my hand. I knocked on the door.

It soon opened, and I saw the same raccoon that ran from me. I looked around the room he was in and it looked pretty old, cold and cramped in there. The furniture looked like crap too. There was also a wolf there sleeping.

"U-uh hello, why did you follow me?" The raccoon who slowly opened the door asked.

"Hello! I saw you run in the alley and I thought you were in trouble so I decided to follow after you and here I am now. My name's (Y/N), nice to meet you!" I greeted and explained.

"The name's Rash. Nice to meet you too." The raccoon introduced himself as Rash.

"And who's the one sleeping over there? Just asking, you don't have to tell me." I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Uh.. That's Willow.. Also, thanks for worrying, but we don't need any help." Rash tried closing the door in my face, but I put my left foot between the door and the doorframe.

I gently rubbed the back of my head with me free hand.

"No.. Now that I look around the place.. You guys are not living that great are you?" I asked, to which Rash opened the door again and slowly shook his head.

"Well. I have a great idea then! I have two guest rooms in my house." I exclaimed a little bit too loud, making the wolf start stirring awake.

Rash's eyes widened at that. 'Is he letting us stay at his house?!'

"And I decided here and now that you guys are staying with me!" I yelled out with my eyes closed and my free hand in a fist held to my chest. 'Yes! I'll finally be useful in some way!'

Since I said the last sentence with my eyes closed, I didn't notice the wolf wake up. She had widened eyes too.

"Wait, you're going to what?" The wolf asked, shocked, but also still sleepy.

"You two are staying at my place. Start packing up." I ordered them, and sat down on a nearby bench.

Time skip

It's been two months since I let Rash and Willow live in my parents' house in the guest rooms, and not that it's bad, but ever since then, Willow started being closer and closer to me.

I never told the two about the death of my parents and how I got this house, nor that I'm getting constantly bullied at school, just to make my life easier.

But my life just got to the second hardest point it has ever been at- the first being the death of my parents. I have just been embarrassed in front of the whole school.

Oh, did I mention that the school I'm going to is literally the most famous one in the country? Anyway, back to topic.

This whole thing happened like this:

A day before I pushed my bully back after he pushed me, and even threw verbal insults at him, making his anger rise with every word that came out of my mouth, but he could control himself and kept it all in for today.

I was walking down the busiest hall in the school, not noticing the jocks that stepped in front of me. I bumped into them, but luckily I didn't fall over. When I looked up at them, there were three of them exactly, the main guy sent the other two to grab me and then lift me by my two arms.

Yeah, I wasn't the tallest man in the city, so it wasn't a hard job for them.

I kept struggling to get out of the two jock's grip, sadly unsuccessfully. A large crowd already gathered around us, and a lot of the students had their phones out to record.

"Look who we have here! The fucking idiot who tried to fight me!" The main guy, called Chad, mocked me.

The guy pulled out a spray paint, shaking it. "Let's do some coloring!"

My eyes widened, and I tried struggling even more harder. "No, no, NO!"

The paint was pink, and Chad sprayed it into my hair, face, wrote some unpleasant stuff on my shirt, and even ripped my bag. He even pulled my pants down to embarrass me even more!

After he was done, he ordered his goons to throw me up, so he could kick my legs from the back while I was falling down, and that's what he did. Luckily, I could cover my head from being hit, so that was a plus.

I slowly sat up, feeling immense pain in my back. I looked around and saw Chad and his goons walking away while laughing like never before and at least 20 phones in my face. I started tearing up, looking at all the people also laughing at me.

Why the hell do they have to be like this?! What did I even do wrong?!

I quickly jumped onto my feet, pulled my pants up and pushed past the recording group, not caring about the pain and charging for the restroom. I washed the paint off my face as best as I could, so I would regain the ability to see clearly. I stood there, looking at myself in the mirror, my hair, my face, my shirt and even my bag.

 They were all ruined.


Words: 1118

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