I hummed and then Makenna began to stir in her sleep. "D-Derrick," she whimpered and I looked at her. Was she having a dirty d-

"No, please, n-no."

Never mind.

"Kenna." I said and she clutched on to my shirt. "Kena, wake up." I said as she began to move. She shook her head and whimpered. "Kenna, please. Wake up." I said and shook her.

"Please, don't-don't touch me. No-Not ag-again." She cried in her sleep, thrashing around a bit. I hissed as her fist hit my boob and I grabbed her hands.

I flipped the two of us over, pinning my weight on her so she'd stop thrashing. This probably wasn't a good idea because as soon as I was on top of her, her eyes widened and she began yelling and me to get off of her.

"Kenna, Kenna, it's me. It's Sophia. Kenna, calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." I told her and I heard the door open. "Kenna, I'm not Derrick. I'm not going to hurt you. Please, just calm down."

Her cries turned into heavy breaths and her body stilled under me. "It's okay Makenna. You'll be okay." I said softly and she looked at me. "You're okay."


"Come on guys, um, get out." I heard Ashton's voice and I nodded. The door closed and I looked down at Makenna.


"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make such a rukus. I didn't mean to scream. I-I just... I-" I shook my head, my lips curling into a small smile.

"It's fine Kenna, don't worry about it." I told her and yet she still looked guilty. "That doesn't matter. We were all awake anyways. Now, are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I um no, I don't." She told me and I nodded respectfully. "Can you-Can you get off of me please?" I nodded and rolled off of her.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" I asked her and she nodded. "Come on, the guys told me they made us breakfast earlier." I told her and she ndoded. "Go change first, you're all sweaty." I told her and she nodded, telling me she'd be out in a bit and apologizing for ruining my clothes.

"It's fine." I reassured her and then made my way downstairs. I ran a hand throw my still straightened hair since I have yet to shower and then went to the living room.

"Hey guys, don't question Kenna okay? She doesn't want to talk about it and is embarrassed as is." They nodded and I went to the refrigerator.

I grabbed the two plates, which were literally identical, and then put on inside of the microwave. I began to warm up the plate for Makenna and then I yawned, leaning back.

"Sophia, can I talk to you?" I looked forward and saw Calum. I nodded and he stepped in. "I um... I'm sorry. I was a bit harsh on you last night." He told me and I chuckled.

"It's fine." I said and he looked at me. "Really. I understand. You were all ready to kick back and relax, have a few beers and kiss a few chicks, a little more maybe. After having to take care of me for so long, I understand why you were upset. Seriously, it's fine."

The microwave beeped and I pulled the plate out. I set it down and out my own plate inside of the microwave. I hummed and went to set the plate on the table. I put down a glass aswell, not knowing what she'd want to drink.

"Good morning Makenna." Ashton said and I looked at the stairs. I saw Makenna walk down and even though she was in my shorts and tank-top, she looked great. She pulled off my clothes better than I did.

"Morning." She said and I told her that her plate was on the table. She nodded and thanked me, taking a seat where I was.

A knock on the door filled the silence and I told the guys I'd go get it. They all nodded and I hummed, opening the door to see someone I quite despised.

Adopted By Malumजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें