Babe....... Who is fighting ha ??

Charlie........ Babe ..... P'way what is in that bags ???

Way................ Ooohhh I forget ..... I make delicious chicken sandwich and chicken salad and also I bring coffee for everyone ......

North......... Wow p'way how you was knowing that I didn't have breakfast ?

Sonic......... Seriously ...... Thank you p'way ......

Way................ It's all okay .... Here everyone have their own box ......

Babe......... Thank you way .... But next time if you get sick than call me OK ??

Way................. Okay .... But after you treat me a good meal because you promised but didn't come for dinner you know na .......

Babe......... Promise next time .....

Way and babe was talking while going to the big table to sit and eat while Charlie was still standing there than he feel a hand on his shoulder in which he turn and see his brother Jeff .........

Jeff....... What happen ??

Charlie....... Nothing .....

Jeff....... P'charlie you know na they are just friends and if p'way was having feelings for p'babe back there but now he understand that p'babe needs you and only love you so stop overthinking .......

Charlie........ It's not that Jeff ..... It's just it's ....... After what way did to save babe ...... He make a special place in babe's heart again and now you saw na how babe was behaving yesterday when way was not picking his call up . it's all are just scaring me Jeff ...... What if babe start having feelings for way ?? Jeff I love babe .... I love him so much ...... I can't lose him .....

Jeff........ P'charlie ..... Are you out of your senses ?? What the hell you thinking ?? P'charlie p'babe love you and he also love p'way but just like a brother like a friend ...... So stop thinking nonsense things .......

Charlie........ Maybe you are right I'm just overthinking ...... But ......

Babe........ Charlie ..... What you doing there ..... Just come here .....

Alan....... You too Jeff ......

Jeff........ Don't overthink ..... Come let's go ......

Way............... Charlie here your box ... Jeff here ......

Jeff........ Thank you p'way ......

Charlie....... Thank you way .....

Way................ No problem ....... Hope you like ..... I think it's your first time eating my handmade right ??

Charlie........ Right ...... Ammmm it's delicious ......

Jeff....... P'way you must woke up early to make it .... Because it's so fresh .......

Way................ Thank you Charlie .... And yes Jeff I woke up at 8 am to make it .......

Jeff....... Ooohhh  It's really early ......

Babe........ What early ?? Way you always woke up at 8 am it's not new ....

Way............... Babe do you have problem ha ??

Sonic........ No matter what but it's really delicious ....... P'way can you teach me chicken salad it's really good .......

Way................ Okie ......

North....... Good you learn and than make for me ......

Sonic........ Who said I going to make it for you ??

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