。· Drowsy feeling · 。

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I sat on the bed doing nothing besides laying down and looking up at the ceiling...before i realized the cat was gone and i frantically get up *bonk* " OW GOD DAMN IT-" i said angrily covering my head with my hand "..ow ow ow..that fucking hurt like hell..." i said mumbling to my self,i looked up and i hit my head on top of me..this was another reason i didnt qant bottom bunk...i can hit my head on the wooden plank,"YOU ALRIGHT BOBO!?!?"Jard said sounding like a muffle a little,sounds like hes doing something thats far but not far for him to hear me-

" YE AM ALRIGHT JARD! NO WORRIES!! " i shouted back still holding my head,"...uggghhhh....i hate this so much...i wish i was in my be-" i said but soon after i felt like i was about to vomit so i went got out of the bed quick and went to the bathroom to vomit.


" BLEGH-...." i vomitted and my throat feels pain a little and dry..i keep vomiting until it stopped after like three times vomiting,Jard Comes in and hes sees me on the floor vomiting inside of the toilet and he rushes to me afterwards-

" BOBO- " Jard said,i felt like i was about to pass out a little when i stopped but then i felt that feling again and i vomited again feeling a little bit more pain in my throat..i could hardly make out what jard was saying until he left the room saying something before he left..i think he wants me to stay,its like most of those situations when ur best friend or someone you care about is vomiting..right- " BELGHHH.. " i keep vomiting and then it stopped,"....did..it stop..??..." i said mumbling my self while my body was trembling a little,both because my body was weak and the coldness the floor i was on, still on my knees breathing a little bit heavily..

Jard comes back with medicine after like 2 minutes i think.."..here take this..this'll help you feel better for now with your vomiting.." jard says while he gives me medical and a water for my throat to not be dry at least.."...t-thank you jard..."i said mumbling a little while taking the medicine and drinking the water afterwords still feeling nauseas after that. "Need help getting up??" Said Jard,"..ye that would help.." i said while jard starting help me up from the cold and sqaure pattern floor,i hold on jards shoulder while he holds mine to take me back on the bed.

"Thanks again for helping me..." i said

"No problem man,anything to help you out here!" Jard said smiling at me with a small and soft smile making me smile 

Jard puts me into bed once again and i just sit there quiet..thinking about how jard is just going to take care of me only..sounds stupid but reasonable to me since i did drink 5 bottles of medicine in one day..but i also dont want jard to be doing all the work just for me to get better... maybe i can try and call someone to help him..thats when i got an idea,"Hey Jard!!" i said to him in weak voice,"ye??" Jard said when came back into the room same with the cat that looked like jard,the cat came onto the bed snuggling up on me,making jard stare at it but looked back at me

"Soo...i was thinking that maybe someone could you know...uhm..help you??..." i said while looking at the cat snuggling in a little furball against me petting its head softly,Jard stood in shock a little for at least half a second before mumbling something i couldnt really hear well,"huh..??" I said,"..i said..i guess i could need some help.." jard said sounding concerned and nervous a little when he thought of people helping him.

jards a type of person who always wants to do everything on his own for some reason,He doesnt bother to help instead he asks to help when someones struggling to do it..i dont have a problem with it but..he doesnt get help at all which kinda you know worries some people and me,but i kinda brush it off sowly thinking thats just part of his habitat to help people,he usally helps me with things as well... a lot.. but he says its ok. so i believe him-

"..soo..how are you going to find a person to help me when everyone is doing their own things to do..??" jard said speaking a bit more louder then he was when he agreed for help,"how about rebel or defect??" i said kinda only thinking of those two since i havent seen them in a while. Jard just looks at me " rebel..??" jard said"..rebel is an enemy,how do you trust him?" jard said looking at me before sitting in a chair getting out a radio. "..uhm..lets just say we've grown a bond!" I said looking at Jard kinda smiling a little,Jard just looks at me frowning a little before sighing,"..i'll take my chances with defect.." Jard said,i frowned as soon as he said he took his chances with defect.."..whatever ill contact him either way.." i mumbled a little so he wouldnt hear me since he was a sitting at the desk across from the bed to not hear me,"what-?" jard said"Nothing!!" i said nervously. Jard just looked at me with a suspicious look and shrugged whatever and began to contact defect,"hey uh defect can you help me with something??" jard said talking with defect before a Static like voice came from the radio"Ye sure! what do you need help with??" defect said on the radio. i'm just sitting there while i hear defect's and Jard's conversation while petting the cat a little,jard sighs before responding to him again,"..i need help with curing Bobo from his Sickness that Bobo caught when he was out looking for stuff.." jard said,"uh alright i'll be at you guys dorm soon!" defect said a little happy,"alright see ya.-" jard said , jard looks back at me"..happy now?" jard said,"ye maybe" i said smugging a little smile at jard,jard looks at me with a look ' wtf are you on' look before answering " why are you making that face Bobo.." jard said clearly now suspicious of me then ever" oh nothing~" i said still smugging that i am going to contact rebel either way with out him knowing.

"ok...i'm gonna leave so you can rest,also,You fucking scare me to with that smug look.." jard said before leaving me in the room closing the door behind him. i chuckled a little before get out my sneaky radio," Heyyyy rebel,uhh,do you mind coming over to my dorm :D" i said kinda a bit happy but my voice being horrible so it cracked a little,"...uhhmmm..sure whatever..be there soon alright.",Rebel said kinda stuttering with his words a little before speaking right.

"Thanks!See ye soon rebel!!"

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