《 ~ ¿Cat Out the Bag? ~ 》

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FORGIVE ME PLS 🙏🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭😔😔



————----------*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*--------------————

 《  BOBO'S POV 》

Jard And Me both went into our dorm but I felt like shit at this point and i wanted to sleep on the ground but Jard decided to carry me. (Let's Say It's The Piggy Back Anim -A/N) . So I was carried all the way to the dorm for the next half of the walk,I don't regret it.ITS A FREE PIGGY BACK RIDE I CANT JUST SAY NO ITS MY OPPORTUNITY >:)  ,So Jard lend me a hand on my weak ass body and helped me, and am so glad because I didn't wanna walk either-.When we Arrived at our Dorm,we Both went inside and Jard Just put me in his bed,'Why the Fuck did he put me in his be-' I said in my Mind but got cut off by Jard talking " Am not gonna go and Put u up in your bed because I don't wanna struggle and I bet you don't even want to cuz' your lazy.." Said Jard giving me an explanation on why he put me on his bed..Makes sense if you ask me-  I don't wanna get on my bed I rather sleep on the fucking floor then even try so ye thiz makes a Win Win Situation Here for me and Jard i guess - I just kinda laid there on his bed thinking if the cat is ok and Jard wouldn't suspect it.."Oh ye uh Bobo you want me to leave your bag here beside you so u can look inside it maybe even show me later after I got your medicine???" Jard said with curiosity,Sounds like he wants to know what I have...Fuck.- HOW DO I RESPIND I CANT JUST TELL HIM  " OH I JUST GOT A GREEN TEAL GEM THATS GLOWING ANNNDDD A FUCKING CAT THAT I DIDNT TELL YOU FROM THE START BECAUSE I THOUGHT U WOULD GIVE ME A LECTURE AND TAKE THE CAT AWAY FROM ME FOR A YEAR-" HECK NO I DONT WANT THAT!!plus I don't want to be separated from THE CAT I FOUND AND I DONT WANT THAT-.."Bobo???you There buddy or are you Zoned out in your thoughts??",Well shit I fucked up I got lost in my thoughts-"O-Oh- uhmmm..Ye sorry Jard,and yeah can I have it ,I wanna look throught it!!" I said trying not to panic "alright here you go-" Jard said after but I cut him off " WAIT DONT THROW THE BAG TOWARDS ME I DONT WANT YOU TO HURT THE CAAaa- UHH I MEAN GEM-!!!!!!" I said as Jard was ready to throw it towards me,woah that took a lot of energy...I feel light headed-"P-plus I'm sick and it might hurt me-" I said trying to make an excuse since Jard was looking at me suspiciously but concern as well.."Well uh alright here you go Bobo-" Jard said while giving the bag to me gently,I sighed as a sign as relief 'phew..that was close-The cat wouldn't gotten injured badly..' I thought thinking about the cat inside the bag I had with me now,"Alright Bobo am gonna go and get medicine for you, I might be gone for a little while depending on the crowd over at the health care center-" Jard said with little annoyance on the last part,Jard Hated long lines and people crowding over things at the health care,I mean...I hate it to am not lieing but the only place where u can get medic stuff,Food,ANDD OFC GET ABILITIES SINCE THEY ARE IN CHARGE OF THAT,you'd have to go through that zombie crowd-,I only go there for abilities and food..Jared's in charge of the medical and Gear stuff we both need-,it sucks for him and me but we only go there if it's needed to ,and this is now-,NEEDING MEDICINE!!"Ok good luck out there in the zombie crowd if there's well yk[You know]" I said with a little chuckle to the side,Jard looked at me and laughed a little as well softly,"Alright Bobo! Don't get off the bed and make sure to rest,ill wake you up once I come back!" Jard said waving at me,I waved back with an ok,then he Closed the door behind him,I lie back on the bed and then I slowly close my eyes,my vision turned a little bit blurry....

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