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I kick the vent out of the wall to officially exit the mine. "after you, I insist." luis gestures politely, which makes kelly shake her head, "quite the gentleman you are-" she jumps back due to the giant ogre popping into frame, grasping her tiny body and I catch her hand. "leon!" luis and I end up landing on the ground. he extracts several bullets up to him letting her slam on her side. "now you owe me!"

the second ogre basically almost stomps him to death. "now we're even!"

"Is it like this with you too? seems like senor is rubbing off on you." my partner cracks a teasing grin, "he already has. you missed too much to catch on."

we take turns to fire at the little alien things on their necks while one of us jogs to the lever to pull so the ogre can fall into the burning pits of hell. "nice! that's what I like to see!"

"leon! over here!" luis hops onto the last ogre's back to plant tied load of dynamite sticks on his back. "delivery! heh! got a little present, just for you! leon, shoot it!" I copy his order, setting of a single bullet to rig it to explode.

"beautiful! just as planned! all right, let's finish this guy off!" kelly holds down the lever so he's able to fall below his feet and drown. she props her hands on her hips and lets out a sigh of relief. I crouch shortly for her to step on my shoulders to climb over, then luis to open the door to let me inside. we've made our return to the mines, the wooden built doors and such all over the place. we find the railroad that's destined straight. I strongly push the cart forward before hopping in for the three of us. "I can't believe I'm doing this..."

"hey, we're in a hurry, right? oh, by the way-" "what now?" I growled.

luis comments on the hill we're about to ride over like we're on a rollercoaster. "hope you two like thrill rides." It goes full speed, and I had to be the one to lean so we don't lose our heads. kells and I are our designated defenders towards the freaks that became hot on our trail. the wind is howling, cool air hitting our faces, and the wheels on the railroad tracks creaking.

"our cart is going to break if you're not careful, leon!" kelly yelled at me. "I'm doing my best!"

"don't think we have time for a lover's quarrel."

thankfully on our first try, we made it to the end. "this it?" I question. "afraid not. things are just getting started." we hop on the next one after exploring and killing a villager here and there.

let me tell you; it got a lot more chaotic than our last.

kelly aims for the red explosive barrels in order for the two people incoming on our right side and it goes up into big flames. the three of us duck to evade the blazing arrows flying past our heads. "haha! this is kind of fun!" luis chuckled. "this thing's in bad shape. take better care of it, okay?" my annoyance was growing faster by the minute due to luis's comments about how we were close to tipping over and more of our favorite enemies were riding our tail. specifically, the sack boys with their blood splattered chainsaws. we pass the dark outside including the rocky walls back into the cave, but the quick fresh air felt nice. 

"look! you can see where they dug up the bugs!" we're driving on a smooth, round path since it's high up. panic rises when we all notice the path we're going down is broken into a ramp. "you've got to be serious.." kelly sighs, glancing at the break luis just happened to break off of our cart. "jump!" I grab her hand as the three of us dive into the air in slow motion and land on the dirty ground.

"all right. let's head to that lift." the floor board falls through before we can take a couple of more steps forward. "no way. give me a break." I cursed quietly, seeing we have to take the longer way. we practically had to circle our way around, being the pest control ramón doesn't seem to have, up till we get on the elevator that's on the other side of hole we came across. It was going to slow but at least it was sturdy enough. "whew. I'm beat. makes you appreciate tech like this."

I turn to face directly towards luis who is leaning against the wall with his hand on his torso. "I don't get you. why risk your life like this? you don't know us."

"I told you. It makes me feel better." 

It can't be his only reason. he had to be working for someone. or made a deal so he leaves here alive. "be straight with me for once."

"los lluminados... I was working for them." I scoff, "see? there you go."

"helping the three of you doesn't make up for it. I know that. but still, I don't want anyone else to get hurt."

"In that case, you better get serious." luis laughs, "harsh words for a squire."

we go down together || leon s. kennedy ☆Where stories live. Discover now