"This is my daughter, Eleanor, and my son, Junji! We called them Elle and Jun though." I told him. That day, I wanted to go out with Kieran, alone. I got us into a good restaurant, and got us the best seat in the house. And complimentary Domaine Leroy Les Beaux Monts wine! Which is about almost $6,000. Over priced and I didn't like the taste, but whatever.

"This is, very, very expensive wine and I don't wanna waste it so I'm probably gonna drink it all." I laughed. He laughed as well.

"I'll drive you home." He told me.

"I want to know more about you! Tell me about yourself!" I asked him.

"Well, I live in Folsom, so it takes me an hour to get here. I have 3 cats and a bird, my parents have a dog, but since I still live with them, I guess he's mine too. I love sushi and salads. I've always loved alternative style and music, along with metal and some emo stuff. I've been fascinated with traveling and I'm an artist! I'm in school for animation." He explained.

"Other than the last part, you literally just explained, me!" I said.

"Really!?" He exclaimed.

"Yes! I have 3 cats, a bird, and a dog! But I do have a snake, but I'm giving it to my step-brother. Well, OUR step-brother!" I replied.

"And you like sushi!?" He asked.

"Yes! And salads! I was married to a Japanese man, our house is used to Japanese foods, and some normal. He was an amazing cook." I remarked.

"Wow. I wish I could've met him. He seemed amazing. I remember seeing him on your stories and lives, he was so funny and loving toward you. And every song he was in, I loved them. He had an amazing voice." He said.

"He really did." I replied.

"Is he buried? Or, uh, cremated?" He shyly asked.

"Both. He was completely cremated, and then we split his ashes in three ways. 1 for me, 1 for his parents, and the rest we buried. Since we happened to be, very, very wealthy, I may have gone overboard with his burial site. But, he knew he was going to die, so he planned his funeral, he did his will, he did design his burial site. Some of it. All he said is, he wants it to be a place where his loved ones and his future family can sit at and relax in the essence of beauty." I explained.

"What did you do!" He asked me.

"Would you like to see? I haven't been there since I got back from my trip... it's too hard for me, but I can find the strength." I offered.

"I'd love that." He replied. We got our food and we talked more and more. Once we were finished, and I was drunk off of wine, I gave him the directions to Jared's, uh, tomb basically.

"Goddamn, this place is heavily guarded." He told me.

"Yeahh, I gotta put in my finger print. Their graveyard workers are always on site so we don't exactly have to pay for someone to always be here to protect it." I explained. I got out and a worker took my print and opened the gate. We drove in and he parked.

"Is that a greenhouse?" He softly asked. I tested up.

"He loved many things. Writing, painting, gardening, even singing sometimes. He was a detective though. I'll tell you more on why he chose that when we are in there." I explained. I let him inside the greenhouse, and he was astonished.

"This is beautiful!" He said, "these flowers, they're beautiful. Is that a red spider Lily? Isn't that the flower of uh..."

"Death? Yeah. Weirdly his favorite. He demanded them. But he also liked dahlias, edelweiss, baby's breath, and many others." I said. I motioned for him to sit down on the bench inside.

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