Miyeon's voice escalated, her anguish and despair pouring out in a tumultuous flood. "APPA! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! OUR FAMILY WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU! IF I DIE HERE, THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!" Her words reverberated through the room, a potent mix of fear, anger, and heartbreak. It was more than a cry for help; it was an accusation, a lament for a life derailed by choices not her own.

The snake hybrid watched silently, motionless at first. Her expression was one not of aggression, but rather of curiosity mixed with a hint of concern. Despite her intimidating appearance, there was a certain softness in her eyes, a complexity that went beyond the fear she inspired.

As Miyeon's cries filled the room, the hybrid slowly slithered closer, her movements cautious, as if understanding the fear she invoked. She stopped a safe distance away, her gaze fixed on Miyeon, trying to communicate without words, her posture non-threatening.

Miyeon, gasping for breath amidst her sobs, watched the hybrid, unsure of what to expect next. Exhausted and defeated, she collapsed to the ground, her voice barely a whisper as she mumbled, "If only, there's someone who could help us..." Her plea hung in the air, a testament to her desperation and the direness of her situation.

The snake hybrid, moved by Miyeon's despair, slithered closer to examine the source of such profound sorrow. Her approach was cautious, her predatory nature evident yet tempered by a curiosity stirred by Miyeon's outburst. As she leaned in, her eyes, previously narrowed to dangerous slits, began to change. The act of sniffing Miyeon, an intimate gesture in the animal kingdom, seemed to trigger something within her. Her pupils dilated, engulfing the slits and revealing the blue of her eyes in full—a sign of heightened interest or, perhaps, an emotional response not often attributed to a creature of her kind.

Gently, almost tentatively, she placed her hand on Miyeon's head. The touch, expected to be cold and threatening, carried an unexpected warmth. Miyeon, caught in her despair, felt the contact but was too overwhelmed to react. The human, amidst her sobs, slowly fell asleep, with the hybrid's presence beside her.

As Miyeon awakens, her eyes flutter open to the unfamiliar surroundings of a dense forest. Disoriented and unsure, she struggles to piece together the events that led to her being here, in this place so far removed from the sterile confines of the laboratory. The ground beneath her is cold and damp, a stark contrast to the hard floors she's accustomed to. Her heart pounds as she tries to recall how she ended up in such a place.

Before she can gather her thoughts, a chilling hissing sound slices through the silence of the forest, causing her to freeze. Fear clenches her stomach as she slowly turns, half-expecting to confront a predator drawn by her vulnerability. Instead, she's met with the sight of the serpentine body coiled near her, its scales glistening under the dappled sunlight that pierces the canopy above.

The realization hits her with the force of a physical blow—the snake hybrid, the very creature that had instilled such terror in her heart back at the laboratory, is here with her. Panic urges her to flee, but something holds her back. The memory of their last encounter, of the hybrid's gentle touch and the unexpected moment of connection they shared, flickers in her mind.

As the hybrid's eyes meet hers, Miyeon senses no malice, only a curious intelligence and perhaps a hint of the same confusion that she herself feels. The creature's presence, once the source of her deepest fears, now prompts a flurry of questions. How did they come to be in this forest together? And more importantly, what intentions does the hybrid have?

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