6: Draught of Living Death [REVISED]

Start from the beginning

Harry glared at Draco. "What? It's your fault that she's been reading this nonsensical book! If it wasn't for you then she shouldn't have detention with Snape!" Draco snarled at him grabbing Y/N paper along with his and started to walk away from them.

"What nonsensical book -- you've been reading Advanced Potion-Making?!" Granger's eyes opened wide as she grabbed the book from her hand. Even the bright witch herself couldn't comprehend a single procedure inside the book and how come Y/N have done it?

"6th years are supposed to be the one reading this!" Hermione's brows furrowed as Y/N just sigh, looking tiredly at the trio.

"Yeah, just finished it. I didn't have a choice now, do I?" she said in a matter of fact way, almost a whisper. Y/N doesn't have enough energy to mutter anything right now.

"That must be awful. One month detention with the git." The red head cleared his throat and smile pleasantly at L/N. "Uhm, can I copy your assignment too? I noticed Malfoy copying yours." Ron muttered as he is now sitting infront of Y/N, followed by Harry while Hermione sits besides her.

Hermione hit his head and glared at him. "Okay, okay I wont." The ginger pouted, scratching the sore area.

"How are you coping with it Y/N?" Potter is still feeling guilty even though Y/N assured him that it's not his fault. Besides, they shouldn't be blaming themselves. The problem is clearly Snape's attitude.

"Well, at first I thought I'll explode and go insane but I can finally deal with the greasy git." Hermione wrap her hands around Y/N, comforting her in which the slytherin sigh as the embrace is giving her the feeling of optimism and relaxing vibe.

"I am so sorry that we cannot do anything about it Y/N." Y/N is still thankful that she got friends after ignoring them for the past few weeks. Despite the fact that she knows too well that the gryffindors won't leave her for anything like this, she is still scared of losing them.

Y/N have been busy diving her nose with the books and now, she's done. No one knew what Snape ask her to brew. The students are just thinking that the greatness of her is in her blood so that's why everyone assume she's good at Potions. They are unaware of her sacrifices and hard work. They doesn't know, she is studying to prove herself in front of the potion master. "By the way, why are you reading that book? It's not because you just wanted to read it? Right?" Harry ask, looking straight into her E/C eyes. He always know what kind of questions to ask at the right place and at the right time.

"Well, Snape required me to brew Draught of Living Death." She plainly stated like it's not a very complex potion. As if you can brew it in just a blink of an eye.

"What?!" The three screamed in sync as the other students glared at them for being too loud inside the library.

"Or else, I will fail his stupid subject. I have choices, of course. He's generous, isn't he?" Y/N continued when they calmed down. She rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth together. The three look at her with pity.

"Don't worry guys. I am confident that I can do it. So, I must go now. I'm going to put Professor Snappy in his place today." She suddenly feel a strong energy flowing in her veins.

The trio said their goodbyes and Y/N hurriedly went to the dungeon. She's late and she is fully aware of that. Infact, she have been doing that in the last few days and Snape didn't care.

Y/N harshly knocked on the door, excitement is all she could fell at the moment. "Come in." Said the snarky professor.

She immediately went to the cupboard for the ingredients. Then, she grab the cauldron from the storage room.

But before she started, she was interrupted by none other than Professor Snape.

"Does being a know-it-all stops you from coming here on time Miss L/N?" The dungeon bat inquired while writing something down on his notes.

"I guess so. Professor? Can you do me a favor? Please be quiet and be cooperative." Y/N glared at him then proceeds on brewing the difficult potion.

Snape is amused, not because she told him to be quiet but he noticed that she doesn't have any book around her. This is the Y/N he knows.

The girl started to smash the 13 pieces of sopophorous beans to get as much of the juice out of them. Then, she squeeze it on the cauldron along with a cup of water.

She memorized all of the methods so she's doing the steps with ease. L/N waited for a few minutes until the content on the cauldron begin to boil.

After that, Y/N stir the potion 7 times counter clockwise followed by a clockwise stir.

Now, she added the 4 cup of asphodel in an infusion of wormwood. Then, repeating the stir she have done before.

Y/N tapped her fingers patiently on the table as she waited for the potion's color to turn into deep a purple.

A smile escape her lips when it did. Then she added the 2 tablespoons of valerian roots, finely chopped, of course. Repeating the stir before and then she added the pinch of cloves. She proceeded into stirring the potion on the respective exercise.

Y/N doesn't notice that the potion master is watching her every movements. Snape finds her entertaining, his notes is now forgotten.

After waiting for the potion to simmer for 7 minutes, she stirred it again in the same manner.

Blue smokes are condescending from the cauldron. After stirring it in the correct order, the color begin to change to light lilac color.

Y/N chuckled and watch the potion she is making turn into a clear water.

Snape immediately averted his gaze on the notebook on his desk as Y/N's E/C eyes went to look at him.

"Professor, I think I can finally end your detention with the potion you wanted me to do." She said stretching her arms, lips smirking, and eyes twinkling.

She inhales the smokes coming up from the cauldron, feeling her success. It is good. Nothing smells so fine like Draught of Living Death.

The cloaked man rose from his seat and started to walk towards her so he will see if the girl made it or not.

As he was ready to make criticism, Snape watch her body collapsing on the ground.

"Miss L/N!"


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