"You okay?" I found myself asking, quickly glancing at his perfect side profile. He hummed, not hearing my question. "I said...are you alright? You seem a bit...distant."

Negan turned his head to shine me a quick smirk.
"You suddenly care about your old boss?" He mocked, averting his eyes back to road.

I rolled my eyes, huffing in annoyance.
"Sorry for even fucking asking."

"Don't be so jumpy, darling." He replied. "I'm fine, when have I not been?"

"Well, when you're not." I deadpanned.

He laughed hoarsely.
"Smartass." When he saw my mood darkened, he placed a comforting hand on my knee. "I'm completely fucking fine. Just wondering what torture method would Rick use when he finds out his step daughter has a few more scars on her."

"Oh, so you're scared of Rick?" I snickered and gently pulled my leg away from his seductive grip.

"Terrified." He mocked. "Chilled to the bone."

"I wouldn't worry about him, to be honest. It's the only thing closest to a mother that I have, that's scary."

"And who's that? Rick's ninja girlfriend with the katana or?"

"No, not Michonne." I chuckled. "She is scary, yeah. But Carol is scarier, believe me."

"Carol, huh?" Negan stroked his beard. "The old lady? Why?"

"She's not an old lady and if you value your life, then you'd be a bit more tempered today. Especially after she finds out that I almost got killed two times under your care. Actually, three."

Negan scoffed sarcastically.
"Well, true. But I'm not afraid of an old lady, sweetheart. What's she gonna do? Kill me with knitting needles?" His chest heaved with laughter.

"Or she might strangle you with yarn. Don't underestimate her." I couldn't help the smile that crept on my lips. "Me and Judith are like daughters to her, after her little girl passed."

Negan hummed in response. He wasn't too sentimental about things like this, or at least he didn't let it show at all. Maybe he was, who knows. He definitely surprised me sometimes.

The gates of Alexandria came into view and I shot out of the truck almost instantly when we entered. I didn't let the sharp headache stop me from jumping into Carol's warm embrace and buried my head in her shoulder. Me and her got along very nicely since almost the beginning and I admired her for how she dealt with things. She, although unbeknownst to outsiders, was very stealthy and precise in what she did and how she did it. She had that nice and amicable attitude and soft smile, but behind that mask, she was twice as hard and cold when needed. Carol could bring an empire down in just a couple of quick well-measured actions. She knew I was alike, albeit I preferred things to be straightforward, and taught me her ways. That really made the bond between us almost as strong as one between a mother and daughter. When she decided to leave us and Alexandria, I was so heartbroken. And after everything that happened to her, after going through that cathartic experience when that fucker shot her, after the Kingdom, after separating from us, she was now even stronger. When she came back, because she knew we needed her, it felt like that last piece that was missing finally finished the puzzle. Our group, our family, wasn't complete without her. I couldn't imagine things without her.

"Haven't seen you in a long time." I heard a voice from behind us and lifted my gaze to meet Daryl's eyes. He looked moody, angry even, but when I stepped closer and gave him my charming smile his features softened. "The hell you've been, little rascal?"

I laughed and wrapped my hands around his torso. His hand grazed my hair and for the first time in a long time I felt okay. Happy, even. Since that night with the motorcycle. I could feel Negan's eyes burning holes on the back of my head and turned around. He was leaning against the hood of his truck, brows furrowed, hand casually gripping his barbaric weapon. Rick came out of the house on the opposite side of the street and shot me a questioning look but I waved him off. He sauntered over to the Saviors and their leader, who stared him down with a cocky grin.

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