((1)) The start of a new.

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⚠️trigger warning: death, murder.

New Orleans, Louisiana
The eclipses killer now in New Orleans

A new killer spotted on the west side of
New Orleans, None knows what she looks like or why she came here, but her first victim was found yesterday, at the start of a new year.

    The first full moon of the year.

Victim: annie smith
Age: 45
Family: unknown


You put down the daily newspaper, grinning like a maniac. The murder still fresh in your mind, so fresh in fact you can still taste there blood on your lip, as if it was still dripping down from when it landed there.

There was a reason why you were named the eclipse killer, it's actually pretty simple.
You only kill on full moons, it keeps the thrill after all, and keeps the demons at bay.

There are otherways people could tell the murders apart from that other killer.
Got to be original somehow right? And originality being your victims and there torn ligaments that i so generously supplied them, though i always make sure there always one missing, what? A girl gets hungry.

Though, how you wish you could keep these thoughts up, an alarm rings to your left flashing 6:40am. This reminds you what you had to do in the first place,

"shit! I'm going to be late"

You exclaim before running out the door, not looking back.

Pov: Alastor

Watching from the shadows of a allyway i see a girl run from her house in what seems to be a paniced fashion. Looking in her direction i can't help but feel like i know her in a way...
And i didn't  like it.

So what do we do when we don't like something? Well,
this thought comes to my mind, quite a wicked one if i do say myself. Enjoyable really.
I'll have to keep note of it.

Pushing away that thought for later, i start Leaving the allyway, dusting down my lovely brown suit, polishing my shoes and fixing my glasses before
headinh off to my well known job of being a radio host.

Y/n's pov:

I rush down the street, not giving a care in the world if i actually locked my door or not. Afterall i am just someone trying to make a name for themselves, and i only just moved here, you wouldn't expect me to have something to loose would you? Anyways, I look around in a rush for a taxi before spotting one. "Taxi!" Waving your hand in the air like a maniac they stop and let you get in.

"Where to doll?" The man asked. He gave off a weird gay prostitute vibe but to be nice you pretended to ignore it. Though you did notice the smell of alcohol lingering in his breath.

"To ____________ club please" you ask
He steps on the gas and off we went. The sweat on my palms collecting as we travel to my destination.

The nerves leave me on edge, it is a important intivew afterall. I need this job more than anything. Though i guess panicing won't do much.

So, ignoring my anxiety i watch the scenery race past the car as it moves along, this lasts around 5 more minutes until we make a slow stop outside of my destination.

The Luna Of My Eclipse || ♤ Alastor x reader ♤ ||Where stories live. Discover now