Dallas Winston~ Tutoring (this one is my fav. must read)

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"Bye Cherry! I'll see you after I'm done!" I yelled

"Ok y/n I'll pick you up after, give me a call!" she waved and drove away.

I was on my way to tutor some students who needed help raising their grades before graduating. I'm a junior, but I take all advanced classes and some AP classes too. I volunteered as a tutor for some extra community service hours. I walked towards the library and saw one of the biggest bullies sitting at my table. He was smoking a cigarette with his feet on the table. Everybody fears the big bad, legendary, Dallas Winston. I don't. I'm a greaser with girl friends who are socs. All the greaser girls give me looks or try starting shit with me but I don't give a fuck. One day while I was walking to school, some socs and skank looking greaser girls started jumping me and beating me up. Dallas stopped the fight by beating up the socs, and he threatened the girl away. I thanked him and we've never spoken since. I think that was maybe a few weeks ago though. He looked intimidating, but just not enough to scare me away. I walked to the table and sat down.

"Hi! I'm y/n and I'll be your tutor today." I said with a smile.

Dally looked me up and down and smirked.

"Hi doll. I guess I got lucky today."

I blushed a little and started unpacking my textbooks.

"So what do you need help learning with?"

"I need to help learning more about you." He winked and I turned into a tomato instantly.

"Oh well.. If you get a question right, I'll give you information about me. How 'bout that?"


"Alright let's start with math"

I taught him the formulas and all that stuff and gave him some questions.

"I finished the questions" he said with a sigh

"Alright what's the answer for number 8?"

"number 8... uh is it 4,698?" he asked unconfidently.

"Oh Dal.. UR RIGHT!" I said with laughter

"Don't do that shit that scared the hell out of me?"

"Oh.. you were scared?" I said with a smirk

"Hey!! I'm the one who's supposed to be asking the questions" I nodded and he continued. "Do you have a boyfriend?"


"Alright!" he replied with a satisfied grin while I giggled.

We continued going back and forth asking questions academically related or about me. I learned that his best subject was math and he wasn't great at science. But, he learned a lot about me and seemed really interested.

"Well our session is up Dal."

"Awwww" he said with a pout

"Well if you're going to tutoring tomorrow I can help you with science?"

"Perfect doll I'll see you tomorrow"

"Bye Dal"

Dallas and I continued our tutoring sessions for months, but now it was a new semester so that means classes changed. To be completely honest, I think I was falling for him. He turned out to be a good student and pretty smart at somethings. Every session he would make me smile and burst into tears laughing. Dallas told me he's taking French which is perfect because I took that class last year.

"Do you like French food?" Dallas asked me.

"Ofc I do! I love crepes, croissants, creme brulee, OoOoh I really love french fries" I rambled on about food while I saw him writing some things down, but I didn't know what.


"Okay let's go back to actual French."

We continued our sessions and gradually became closer. Dal and I have been tutoring still but he hasn't made any moves yet and I was starting to get impatient. 

Dallas was trying to talk to me in French and I got really irritated.

"So lemme see... "Quel est ton nom et comment vas-tu? (What is your name and how are you?" He spoke to me

"Laissez-moi vous poser une question, Dallas. Quand vas-tu m'inviter à sortir?(Let me ask you a question, Dallas. When are you going to ask me out?)" I said as I got up and started walking away.

"WAIT y/n where does it say that!?" I heard him yell nervously as he flipped through his books.

3 days later:

I would see Dal walking in the hallways and he would always try to talk to me about tutoring or something school related so I started ignoring him. At the end of the day, I was walking to the exit of the school to go home, but a strong pair of arms held me and pulled me into the janitor's closet.

"WTF! Dallas what are you doing?" I yelled

"Why won't you talk to me anymore? What the fuck did I do to you? I waited for you in tutoring but you weren't there!" He shouted as he was confused


"Je t'aime beaucoup. Veux-tu sortir avec moi? (I like you a lot. Will you go on a date with me?" he asked with big, adorable puppy eyes.

"Of course I will, Dallas! OH you just made my day!" I replied to him with a hug

"Great , doll! I'll pick you up after school tomorrow!" he said as we exited the closet.

After School:

"Ok Cherry I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Have fun on your date Y/N! I want all the details after!

"Alright!" I shouted as I walked towards Dally who was leaning against the school's brick walls.

He was dressed in jeans, a white polo, and his hair was neatly brushed back. I was dressed in a coffee brown sweater, a white tennis skirt, my hair naturally curly, and some Mary Janes.

"You look handsome" I said as he lead me toward his car.

"Thanks doll, you look amazing as ever." he winked and blushed a little as I entered the car.

He made me put a blindfold on the car ride there for our dinner date. I kept asking him questions but he would just reply "I dunno know" or "It's a surprise babe". Finally after about 15 minutes he stopped the car and opened the door for me. He threw the blindfold back in the car while putting his hands on my eyes.

"Ok doll, 3, 2, 1 and open!"

I opened my eyes to see a French restaurant that had beautiful lights surrounding the building. It was called "La Mademoiselle" and it was beautiful. Dal opened the door for me and we were seated at the window. That night we ate delicious food, and we had a wonderful night in each other's company. He held my hand throughout the whole night and drove me back to my house.

"Dal I had a great time"

"Me too doll." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I blushed and he asked me "Y/n L/n will you be my girlfriend."

"Hmm. I don't know the answer to that."

"I'll give you a tutoring lesson." he said as he kissed my lips.

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