Dallas~ Summer in Tulsa pt.1

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New York 1959:   (Dally is 11 and your 10)

Dallas Winston's POV:

My name's Dallas Tucker Winston and my best friend is Y/n M/n L/N. We've been best friends ever since my tiny little brain can remember. In 1954, our parents met at a bar which they both stupidly brought their kids to. Like who the heck brings their kids to a bar past their bedtime??  Anyways, we both ordered a Coke and began talking. Every weekend our parents would bring us to the bars to meet up and hangout. Eventually we became closer than ever and that was the start of our friendship. Y/n and I would always cause trouble, steal some things, and just live our lives together. The years I got to know more about Y/n, I fell more in love with her. I mean she's gorgeous, funny, smart in both ways, and she's my best friend. Of course other kids would try talking to her but I was always there to protect her. I don't know if she feels the same way about me, but she's got me crazy 'bout her.

Y/n's POV:                    (Ima skip explaining about the beginning of their relationship)

...Dallas Winston is my best friend and he's everything to me. He's mega HOT, funny, dangerous.. and I love him! I love the way he will protect me from other guys by pretending I'm his girlfriend. He would beat up anybody in less than a millisecond if they hurt me or even if they looked at me weirdly. Continuing my story, I was on my way to his apartment, but I saw the most horrifying thing ever! Dally was laying down on the sidewalk and I saw his dad walking away with bloodied fists and a beer bottle. I immediately ran up to Dal and helped him back into his room. I ran to the kitchen, got the first aid kit, and started cleaning him up.

"Dal! What happened? Why did he do this to you?" I asked with tears escaping my eyes.

"Well. he's been doing this for a bit now. Ever since Mom packed up her stuff and left, the old man couldn't take it and he's been taking it out on me." Dal shrugged

"DALLAS! Why'd you not tell me sooner! Pack up your things, you're coming to live with me." I said finishing up his last stitch.

"Y/n, I can't do that. I don't wanna be a burden to you guys an-"


Dallas looked at me shocked then started packing up all his necessities and we headed towards my house.

"You sure you wanna do this? Will your parents mind me?" 

"Nah they won't mind. They already love you so.."

"Alright thanks Y/n" he said with a grin and hugged me.

2 Years Later:

Dallas has been living with me and my parents for about 2 years. My parents didn't really give a fuck that he moved in with us. Dal was usually over at my house 24/7 and we always had sleepovers before he officially moved in. If closer could get any closer, we would be that way! There would be multiple moments where me and him were close to kissing, but there always had to be distractions. BUT, tonight Dallas told me he had to tell me something special. He told me to meet us at our secret spot which was the Brooklyn Bridge. I went to my room, but I couldn't find any of his stuff. I shrugged it off and went to meet up with him. Once I arrived I sat down dangling my feet looking down at the water. I probably waited half an hour for him, but he still hadn't shown up. I got up and looked around. My eyes found their way to a pole that had an envelope attached to it. I walked closer and saw my name written on it with a star right next to it. I opened it and began to read it.

Dear Y/n,

God I'm such a coward for not telling you this in person. Y/n I truly am very sorry. I decided to move away from New York and start a new life somewhere else. I don't know where yet, but I'm guessing by the time you're reading this I will already be on a train. Y/n I hoped you know I loved you. I loved you ever since we met at the bar. Y/n you were the best friend a guy could ever wish for and more. I can't let my stupid life ruin your life that is on a way to success. Y/n, doll, I love you and always will. Take care of yourself, kid.        -Yours, D.W

I cried. I sobbed. He loved me? He left because he loved me? I couldn't do anything to stop him from leaving!!?? I loved him and now he could be anywhere right now. What am I gonna do?

2 Years Later:      Dal=16. Y/n=15

I'm 15 now and still a little heartbroken. Dallas would write me letters and send me little gifts, but I never had the courage to open them up. Just the thought of him would shatter my heart instantly. Sophomore year had just ended and now it was summer. FINALLY! My parents decided to take me on a summer vacation to Tulsa, Oklahoma. We boarded the train and I slept the majority of the ride. Once we arrived, my parents drove me to a lake house that was BEAUTIFUL! It was a log cabin that overlooked a community lake. I squealed and thanked my parents for bringing me here! We barely ever traveled and there are not a lot of places to swim in NY. We unpacked and I changed into my dark blue, glittery bikini. My parents went to the store to buy some essentials for the summer. I ran outside and first laid out my towel. I lathered myself in sunblock and began my tanning session. My peace was interrupted by some loud laughing and screams.

Dallas Winston Imagines/ Preferences/ etc.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora