◟🌨◦jinsoo moments

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< just some mother-daughter moments between lia and blake, because it's missing my-sunshine-julia hours ! >

❛ ━━・❪ ❄ ❫ ・━━ ❜

❛ The Proud Mom Moment ;;

With linked arms, Blake and Lia enjoy the comfortable silence as they stroll down a street not too far from the company, the pair having felt bloated from dinner.

"I knew I should've stopped after my third bowl." Blake mutters softly, her free hand rubbing her stomach as annoyance makes her brows twitch.

A loud gasp startles her and she almost trips over nothing.

"Look Blakey ! It's you !"

Blake stares wide-eyed at Lia, before slowly following go wear she's pointing. It's a huge poster of her from a ramen ad she did recently. She isn't exactly sure why Lia seems so fascinated, and she was about to question when she's suddenly pushed towards the poster eagerly.

"Let me take a picture !"

Blake shoots a member a weird look, but the proud smile the blonde wears makes her swallow her words and just smile for the picture.


❛ The Worried Mom Moment ;;

Ryujin narrows her gaze in boredom as she watches Lia dab Blake's forehead with a damp cloth.

"She's not dying ya know, unnie."

Lia huffs as her frown deepens at her sleeping member on the couch. "But look how in pain she looks."

Ryujin tilts her head to get a better look at Blake's face. "That's how she always looks in her sleep," the short-haired girl snorts. "And she's not running a fever either, she's just wrapped up in a thick ass blanket in the heart of Summer."

Lia just shrugs as the brushes her fingers gently through Blake's hair. "Better safe than sorry."


❛ The Scolding Mom Moment ;;

The last thing Lia wanted to see when she walked into the kitchen for a snack, is Blake balancing on a stool as she rummages in the top cabinet.

"Find them-"

"Blakely Kim !"

Yeji whirls around with a short scream in shock, Blake far too engrossed in locating the large pack of gummy bears she's sure she packed her a week ago, to notice the scolding voice.

"Yeji, why aren't you holding that chair so she doesn't fall and accidentally crack her skull open ?"

In her shock Yeji finds herself scrambling to hold the stool, never having seen this disappointing look Lia is now regarding her with.

"She wasn't gonna fall, Lia." Yeji smiles I'm hopes it would work that disappointed frown from the brunettes face, but instead it only deepens it.

"I swear I- aha ! Got 'em !" Blake pulls the retrieves the packet before shutting the cabinet doors and all but jumps down, completely missing the mini heart attack her action gives Lia.

Her lips smile at the snake, before dropping into a line when she notices the scolding stare Lia is giving her.

"What ?"

❛ 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞. 𝗂𝗍𝗓𝗒 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋Where stories live. Discover now