Chapter 1

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Groaning, I slowly open my eyes, immediately being greeted by a blood red sky. My eyes widen, and then I try to put my hands to my face, but are instead greeted by two large (f/c)(favorite color) claws, and another set right below them, though the second set is smaller. I look around the alleyway I am in, and notice blood,guts, trash, and everything else you could imagen in it. Seeing a nearby broken piece of glass, I crawl closer towards it and look at it, looking at my reflection. I see that my once (s/c) (skin color) is now a (f/c) shade. My hair is still the same (h/c) (hair color) and the same length, so at least something stayed the same.

Trying to remember what happened, all I know is that it was late at night, and I was alone, trying to remember anything else causes my head to throb. Grunting slightly, I stand to my feet, wobbling slightly, I steady myself on the nearby wall, then I slowly walk to the exit of the alley, noticing how quiet it is for "hell" since that's where I'm pretty sure that's where I'm at. Walking around to the sidewalk, I see buildings boarded up and some with metal sheets covering the doors. Looking around for anyone, I see what looks like three...angels? Either I was wrong before and this isn't hell, or this "angels" are just some demons who look like angels. "Hey! Do you guys know where I am?" I yell out to the supposed angels.

Their heads immediately snap to me, and that's when I see the dead shark-like demon under them, the spears they are holding are dripping with blackish blood. "Well shi-" before I can get anything else out, the one in the front immediately charges at me, a smile on her face? Mask? And before I can even get out of the way, her hand lands roughly on my shoulder, before she pushes me on the rough pavement. My back it's it roughly, and causes me to gasp from the rough hit. I look up at the thing and see it smiling down at me, its spear held loosely in its right hand, the other hand on its hip. "Well well, what's a pretty sinner like you doing out here all alone, not only that, but calling out to us exterminators!" Laughing, the other two, what I now know as exterminators, laugh with her.

Before I can retort back, a beer bottle is thrown at the exterminator and it breaks on impact, causing the liquid inside to get all over her face, and knock her off balance and off of me. Before they can react, what looks like poker cards are thrown at the three and they explode, causing the dust and ruble on the ground to clog the air and cloud their vision and mine. Feeling claws grab, I let them pull me up to my feet and then I hear a gruff voice "cmon you damn idiot, I don't do this shit often, so I-" the cat demon that I now see speaks before getting interrupted by a spear flying by his head and getting impeded into the ground in front of us, causing us to stop going forward.

The cat demon pulls me roughly to the side and we run into an alleyway, where he then uses his cards once again to blow up the walls of the alley where we came from, blocking th-oh, they fly, yeah that's fun to know. Though the dust and smoke cloud their eyes and causes them to cough and stop chasing us temporarily, but the cat demon keeps running with me. After what seems like ten minutes, we reach what seems to be a hotel, the "Hazbin hotel"...what a weird name to call a hotel.

Walking ahead of me, the cat demon groans before he looks back at me. "C'mon, I don't usually do this mushy shit like comforting somebody, so Charlie will take care of that for me, and if you're wondering I'm husk, now come on." Gesturing towards the double doors with his head, he then turns back around and walks to the doors, turning to look at me when I don't follow, sighing, he puts his claw/paw? On his face before dragging it down slowly and puts it back at his side "Jesus kid, Come inside, I know, you just died and have no idea what's going, but come on, Charlie will explain more to ya once your inside." He says, and after a moment, I finally follow him inside once he pushes open the doors.

Immediately, all the heads-which is just four, snap to us. Pushing me inside first, Husk then immediately closes the doors again when a bell like sound goes off, and everyone (except the big red lanky guy and the small girl.) sighs slightly in relief. Husk then goes over to a bar and gets behind it. Before I can follow him, a spear, which looks just like the ones those exterminators had, is pointed at my chest. "Husk! Who the hell did you bring in here? Do you know them? Do-" before she can continue, a red lanky claw points the spear down. "Now my dear, is that anyway to treat a potential new guest?" The red dude states, his voice having what seems like an old radio filter over it. "Alastor, we do not have time for this, they may be a potential guest, but we can't just let anyone and everyone in!" The girl with a red X over her left eye states. The tall red man just keeps smiling, then steps in front of me and the girl, him facing me.

"Well hello my dear! Welcome to the-" interrupting him again, a girl with blonde hair and just pure white skin leans over the railing and gasp, her eyes lighting up at the sight of me. Jeez, wonder who will get interrupted next. Hurrying down the stairs, the blonde haired girl gets in front of me and the two other people, grasping my upper claw and shaking it. "Hi! Welcome to the happy hotel! I'm so so glad you're staying here! You'll be one of our first guest here!" She states, slightly bouncing up and down in excitement. Before I can even speak, she lets go of my claws and runs over to a desk, gets behind it, and grabs a set of keys. She then rushes back over to me and hands them to me, I take them with my lower set of hands, and yet again, I open my mouth before closing. "Thank you" I mutter out, then Charlie speaks to the gray skinned girl. "Vaggie, why don't you show our new guest to their room! Oh I'm so excited to have another sinner who wants to be redeemed!" Smiling slightly at the gray skinned girl who I now know as Vaggie, she just sighs at the actions of the blonde, and then she speaks "sure Charlie, I'll be right back after leading them to their room." She then takes my shoulder in her hand and leads me upstairs.

After walking for a minute or so, she takes the key from my hand and unlocks the door, its number states it is number "201" after doing this, Vaggie nods at me and proceeds to leave me to my own devices.

Entering the room, it's pretty plain and simple, a red bed takes over the middle of the room, with a nightstand right beside it, a door, which I presume leads to a bathroom, is on the right side of the room, and a small TV sits on a desk that is to the left of the bed. Stretching slightly, I remember to blink all four of my eyes a couple of times to make sure I still have them, and then I stretch my limbs, causing a pop sound to come from them.

After a minute of checking out the bathroom and my appearance again, I lay on the bed, and look at the TV, then decide against using it right now, since it'll probably keep me up even longer, and all I want to do right now is sleep. Closing my eyes, I notice a blue light starts to emit from the TV, groaning, I go to stand up and turn it off, but a spark of blue electricity comes from it, and out from that spark comes a.......walking TV? The man looks around for a second, before his eyes land on me. "Well hello, I'm Vox, from Voxtech, you've probably heard of me, now, really quickly, go to sleep." At the end of his sentence, his eye goes to a hypnotic pattern and, just like he commanded, I basically drop dead with how fast I go to sleep.

6 hours later

Groaning, I put one of my clawed hands on my head, and slowly open my eyes. Widening in the surprise, I look at the state of my room. Drawers are everywhere, claw marks on the wall, the nightstand that once stood at the bed was near the door to leave the room is, and the pillows are almost destroyed, with the blanket torn to shreds. I look down at my body and notice that the clothes I had on are destroyed to almost nothing, leaving my stomach exposed and barely covering my chest. Heat rises to my face as I make sure no one is in here, then, I lower myself back to the bed, and wonder what the hell happened while I was knocked out. Sighing, I get up and start to clean up the room as best as I can, noticing the claw marks are different, some have what looks like burns on the side of them, while the others look like they had electricity sparked with them. I grumble about whoever the hell decided to fight in my room, and continue to clean up the mess.

Grunting, I put the last drawer into place, before cracking my back, and sighing. Then I go to lay back down on the bed, hoping that another demon won't come through the TV yet again. Speaking of, I look at the TV and notice it's missing, raising a brow, I shrug, then go to lay back down. Wondering what things caused this mess, and who the hell that TV demon was.

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