6 | ᴛᴏᴘ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪꜱᴛ

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Mi-Rae stared up at the ceiling, her collection of outfits and shoes lacing the shelves that towered around her.

Sprawled on the floor, she had come to realise something.

The world was always turning.


It scared her but at the same time it was a pleasing thought.

The world at K.I.S.S had been turning for a while before she arrived, and yet, somehow, her arrival had changed that.

She was the fuel for the fire and she hated it.

This was her first proper school experience, and it had started with: Intense drama, Steamy impossible crushes, Fake friendships.

Was school always like this?

Interrupting her thoughts, a knock sounded at the door.

With a huff, the young star stood up and opened the door to reveal a stone-faced Min Ho.

"Hey." She whispered sadly, but her face was smiling.




"Did you start the text chain?" He snapped, eyes never leaving hers as if surveying her face for lies.

"What- no of course not!" The young star protested, folding her arms and scowling.

"Then why is it literally making you look like the fucking Queen of England whilst it makes Dae out to be a manwhore?"

"I don't know, is he one?" She scoffed, rolling her eyes and pretending that he never asked her that.

"No. He's so far from it, but these text chains are making him look like the Joker or some shit while you and Kitty Song Covey look like Batman and Robin."

"The Joker killed Robin-" Mi-Rae pointed out, but the pissed off look on Min Ho's face made her shut up instantly.

"I don't care whether you did it or not, but it's ruining Dae and I need you to fucking fix it." He demanded, mimicking her movement by folding his arms.

"Really?! Well what am I supposed to do about it?! I literally looked at her and everyone thinks we're besties or some shit."

"fix it. I'm going down to the party because everyone'll be missing this." He gestures down his body and she rolls her eyes, "but I'm serious, Mi-Rae. Fix it."

With those words, he walks off, nose stuck in the air as per usual with his hands in the pockets of his expensive dress pants.

Mi-Rae shut the door and spun around so she could lean her back against it.

Fixing something she hadn't even created was going to be so difficult but she had to do it, for the sakes of the one true friendship she had here.

She felt like Harry Potter, putting herself up for bait just to win a stupid war.

Why even was there a war? Were teenagers so immature these days that they couldn't just talk instead of creating text chains that had now pulled Mi-Rae into worlds of drama she didn't need.

Pulling out her phone, she changed the account on it to a fake one by the name of: 'Kangsana Jun' .

Sighing she thought about all the messages she could send right now to the whole year group, but which one would actually help in this scenario.

Nothing. Nothing came to mind.

But after some non-fat chocolate milk and a single cadburys cream egg (which felt like a treat after months with artificial no-sugar, no-fat, no-dairy chocolate) it finally came to her.

KangsanaJun to EVERYONE:
Anyone else see how cute Dae and Yuri were together? Apparently Kitty was just a friend and she overreacted. They were never dating. Personally, I believe this a lot more. Especially after I asked someone who told me Mi-Rae herself had said it. #TeamDuri

Had she potentially just ruined all hopes of a friendship with Kitty?


Did she know that she had potentially just ruined all hopes of a friendship with Kitty?


Did she care?

Absolutely not.

Min Ho mattered so much more to her than Kitty Song Covey did, and if it meant potentially flipping this whole thing on her, it was worth it.

He was worth it.

After she'd sent the message, it gained so many replies.

MadisonMiller223 replied to KangsanaJun:
Omg, rlly? That's like totally so weird. Why would Kitty do that? But she does seem like the stalker type.

ArianaCestari replied to MadisonMiller223:
Lol the Portland Stalker is back to track down poor Dae. I ship him and Yuri tho. So cute 🥰

TaeoHan replied to ArianaCestari:
#PortlandStalker LOL. I feel bad for my homeboy Dae, he was just tryna be nice to this poor chick.

ArianaCestari replied to TaeoHan:
Oh for real. Dae's iconic. Take notes, this is my kinda guy. Too bad Yuri got him first.

MadisonMiller223 replied to ArianaCestari:
#PortlandStalker 😂

LeeSaeHoonTheGamer replied to MadisonMiller223:
#Portland Stalker ✌️

And she had planted a seed: #PortlandStalker continued so far down the page that she had to press Read More... seven times.

She felt so bad but at the same time, not. Mi-Rae didn't really like Kitty, she didn't get good vibes from her, as stereotypically first-impression biased as that sounded.

Min Ho was first in her list, everyone else could fall in line after him.

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