🦇🖤Chapter One-Sophomore Year🖤🦇

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It was a last-evening-of-the-summer kind of afternoon. Probably because it was the last evening of the summer. Me and my best friends, Audrey Avereley and Dillon Hill were sitting in our usual spot, in Dillon's treehouse. We were talking about what we did in the summer. Audrey helped at a dog shelter, Dillon learnt a new trick on her skateboard and I got my wisdom fangs removed. Yes, I said fangs. I'm a vampire. Named Vin. Obvious illiteration is obvious, shut up. And Audrey is a werewolf. I'm not really sure what Dillon is... Probably a human. Anyway, last day of summer, in Dillon's tree house, Yada, yada, yada. Good news: We're all fifteen, and headed into Sophomore year. Bad news: My younger sister, Viva is starting Freshman year at our high school, Atasharri high. I hate my sister. And you're probably thinking 'Oh, That's Because You're An Older Sister!' Nope. She's a spoiled Sephora thirteen year old who hates her vampire roots. Our house has soft shades of lavender and olive green and teal and dark magenta and mustard yellow. Viva's room is a stinging bright pink so that even when her door is open a tiny bit, your eyes water and you see spots. She highlights her hair an obnoxious platinum yellow, and puts contacts in her eyes that make her look like a White Walker. She wears bright shades of acid yellow with white stripes, hot pink with glass diamond studs, and periwinkle blue with princess ruffles. Oh, and her name. She won't let anybody call her Viva Moon, she's Stacey Evans to the world. Only child, born in Beverly Hills, raised in Vancouver. I hadn't realised I was daydreaming about this, my hand on my chin, staring into the amber sky. I hadn't realised that Audrey was calling my name. She was saying it repeatedly now, banging rythmically on the wooden floor. Dillon was copying her. I snapped back into reality, laughing, putting my arms around them. 'Here's to Sophomore year.' Said Dillon, sipping delicately from her Air Up bottle like a champagne glass. Audrey cupped her hands round her mouth. 'HERE'S TO SOPHOMORE YEAR!' She yelled, her tail wagging. We all whooped and lay back on the treehouse floor, hugging each other, excited for our new year.
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