Getting ready

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Jack looked at himself in the mirror that was attached to the wardrobe, he was wearing a black suit, white shirt and a black butterlfy tie. He adjusted it slightly until he was sure that it was finally in the right place.

It was a special day, a day they would honour his wife, who's papers inspired so many pathologists and students. The Home Office was throwing a dinner party to celebrate Nikki's 20th year as a Home Office pathologist.

Nikki had left earlier this afternoon to finish some work and prepare for the dinner at the Lyell. She had taken her make up with her and a new dress she had recently purchased. Jack had been there when she picked it out and he loved every single thing about it.

It was black and fell just above her knees and had long sleeves with lace finish at the neck. It was simple but casual and in Jack's eyes it was sexy as hell, he had been counting the days until he could finally see her in it again and today was the day.

It was his job to make sure both himself and Kae were dressed on time and to make sure they were all in the car ready to go. He was nervous even though he didn't even have to prepare a speech, he wasn't usually the one that made sure everyone was ready on time, Nikki was.

Jack checked himself one more time, giving himself a nod and letting out a nervous sigh.

He heard his phone vibrate, so walked to the bed and grabbed it, he opened the message and smiled.

Nearly ready here, getting dressed now, how are you? X

He replied immediately.

All good here, just got myself into the new suit, I'm impressed.

Bet it suits you, that suit ;)

Not as much as that dress will suit you, can't wait to see you in it˜

Keep your hands to yourself at the dinner and behave! When we get home I'm all yours.

Can you come home now?

Patience my dear...

Jack chuckled to himself. Another message from Nikki came shortly after.

Is Kae ready?

On my way now to get her ready, she can't wait to put on her new dress, she's been talking about it ALL day

Can't wait to see her in it.

What about me?

Can't wait to see you in a dress either ;)

You're funny...
Going to make sure our daughter is ready on time, see you in a few, love you gorgeous.

Me too, love you Jack.

Jack smiled and put his phone in his inside pocket. He walked out of their bedroom and made his way downstairs, the closer he got to their living room the louder his daughters giggles echoed through the house.

He walked into the living room and saw Kae playing on the floor with Cara.

Jack waved to get their attention, they looked at him, both wearing the same innocent Hodgson looks on their faces.

"Troublemakers." Jack said while signing. He gestured to himself. "How do I look?"

Cara gave him two thumbs up with a smile.

"You look funny!" Kae giggled and stood up to walk over to her dad.

"Do I?!" Jack laughed and bent down to pick her up, tickling her softly to make her laugh.

The Hodgson Family ; Glimpses in their livesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon