wandering around

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Nikki and Jack both sat at their desks, Nikki typing an old PM report that was due that day.

It was busy at the Lyell and there was also a body on it's way over. It would be a routine job as it was a suspected suicide with no sign of a third party, so Nikki hoped the PM would go smoothly.

Jack was reviewing his samples and waiting on some other samples to be ready to process.

Their comfortable work silence was cut short when Nikki's mobile started to ring. Nikki grabbed her phone from the edge of her desk and looked at the caller ID, she furrowed her brow and swiped her phone to answer it.

"Nikki Hodgson."

Nikki only picked up the phone like that when she knew the call wasn't work related, she liked using Jack's surname and it always sent multiple butterflies dancing through her stomach.

Jack looked up from his computer for a brief moment, using his last name gave him the same feeling she had and he smiled at her before looking back at his computer.

"Oh no, are you serious?" Nikki sighed. "Yes I understand... isn't there an replacement?" Nikki clicked her tongue and grabbed the nearest thing she could reach and nervously bit on it. "Okay, we'll come pick her up..."

Jack's head moved away from his computer again and looked at Nikki with concern.

Nikki ended the call and placed her phone back on her desk.

"Is there something wrong with Kae?" Jack stood up, worry written all over his face as he walked towards Nikki.

Nikki melted seeing Jack like this, she gave him a small smile and nodded. "She's fine Jack." She reassured him quickly. "The daycare manager called to inform us her teacher went home sick, there isn't an replacement and the other groups are full, they want us to pick her up."

Jack let out a breath of relief. "Ah..."

"Yes... so I guess we have to pick her up." Nikki stood up and looked at the time. "Shit! I've got a PM in about 30 minutes!" Nikki sighed and began to panic.

Jack placed his hands on her arms and softly rubbed them up and down to calm her down. "Nik, calm down. No need to panic love." He made her look at him and gave her a smile. "I'll get her."

Nikki relaxed in his touch and smiled back at him. "Thank you Jack."

"Not a problem, I can nip out for a bit."

"Do we bring her back here?"

Jack looked around. "We don't have another option Nik, we don't have a sitter... or grandparents..." he sighed thinking of his Dad, he would've adored his granddaughter.

Nikki placed her hand on his chest, a gesture to silently tell him she missed Conor too. "I'm sorry."

Jack gave a small smile and kissed the top of her head. "You have nothing to apologise for love." He quickly checked his phone, it was only 10:53, they had the whole day ahead of them. "I'll tell Gabriel I have to pop out for a bit and that we will have a guest here for the rest of the day." He chuckled.

"Do you think he'll mind? And is this really the best place for a three year old? This place is full of dead people Jack!" Nikki sighed and felt the panic re-enter her body.

"Niks." Jack spoke softly cupping her cheeks with his hands. "Calm down, this isn't good for you, you know that." His eyes looked down at her stomach before meeting her eyes again, he gave her a smile.

It was early, very early, 5 weeks to be exact and they were both over the moon. It took them a couple of months before their trying became successful but with all the risks that the first trimester brought, they were being very careful.

The Hodgson Family ; Glimpses in their livesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang