Chapter three |

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I wake up at the cast of sun rays hitting my face aggressively

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I wake up at the cast of sun rays hitting my face aggressively. I sit up and look for my phone on the nightstand. Its eight pm, I can't believe I slept for twelve hours.

Yesterday was a disaster I still don't believe that I'm still alive, I thought I would be dead. I force myself to the bathroom and take a long hot bath. I then brush my teeth and dry my hair before giving it a quick brush.

I put on a knee length black dress with white patterns and thin straps.I take a look of myself in the mirror and something sparkles and it almost blinds me. I don't give a second thought to know what is it.

Engagement ring.

"Hazel I'm sorry about yesterday" my mom speaks after finishing eating our breakfast.

"To be honest I'm sorry about everything" She takes my hand in hers and when I look at her my heart breaks at the sight of my mom.

Her beautiful blue eyes are glassy, matching mine, dark circles surrounding them.

"It's okay mom, I'm still surviving and that's more than enough for me" I tell her and I sigh.

"Thank you for breakfast mrs Jax" I try to joke her and she laughs so hard.

That is more than enough for me.I repeat.


A week has passed since the engagement and I'm glad I haven't heard anything related to the marriage. I shouldn't say this but to say I'm more than happy would be understatement. I was wondering if they have decided to let it go.

Or so I thought.Because my phone rings and when I look at the caller ID it's from Georgia.

"Hello" I speak as soon as I answer the call.

"Hello Hazel" Georgia speak as cheerful as usual."How have you been, I have missed you so much" She says.

"Uh... Thank you" I don't know what to say next so I listen intently to whatever she is going to say.

"Hazel, do you have some time tonight. I want us to have dinner" She finally says and my thoughts travel to Aiden. Will he be there too, but Georgia answers my thoughts.

"It's just you and me, you don't have to worry about Aiden" She guarantees, and I nod even though she can't see me.

"It's okay if you don't--"

"No, it's okay, I'm sorry I was.... thinking" I trail off.

"I understand" She says before asking "Should I come and pick you up" but I politely decline her offer.

"Don't worry Georgia, I'll come on my own".

"Okay, I'll send you an address, and thank you Hazel" With that she hangs up.

His unexpected obsessionWhere stories live. Discover now