At 7 am the cafeteria starts serving for breakfast so me and DanDan make a run for it.

Once we get there we pick up trays and serve ourselves. I get a Latte and a snackbar, since I don't get too hungry in the morning. DanDan on the other hand gets a chocolate bun, fruit salad and raspberry tea. 

We sit down at some random table and enjoy our breakfast in silence while it lasts. 
Slowly the cafeteria fills up with other students and I finish my breakfast quickly.

DanDan takes her time eating and I just stare at her. I'm not sure what to talk about since we're just roommates. 

"Is it yummy?"

"Mhm!" DanDan hums.

I rest my head on my hands and look out the window. I start to think about a scenery full of plants, with birds singing and the wind gently blowing. It would be nice to take a nap there. 
But I quickly get pulled back into reality when DanDan stands up.

"I'm done." she says and together we put our trays away and walk back to the dormitory.


"You seem like a really interesting person." DanDan suddenly says.

"Oh yeah?" I'm not sure what she means by that. But I guess I won't find out because she doesn't reply.

In the dorm we pick up our backpacks and part ways to head to class.


It's 7:30 am and class is starting off with a reading session. After that we have 2 more classes until it's time to go out to the playground and do our morning exercises. 

After 30 minutes of pure torture (running), I collapse on the floor. Somebody kicks me slightly and I look up to see Erya behind me. She helps me get up and hands me a water bottle.

"Maybe instead of going out for walks you should start going to the gym."

I stare at her in disbelief. Is she for real right now?

"You know very well that I hate sports." I reply.

"Actually I don't." She says.

Right we're not really friends. Atleast yet.


"How come you're so good at everything?" I ask Erya desperately as we're making our way back to class.

"I just study and train." She replies.

"If it would be that easy no one would be struggling." I say.

"True. I guess I just invest a lot of time into it." Come to think of it, I've never seen Erya after school, unless it became close to curfew. That just reminds me of how little I know about her.

However there's no more time to talk, because we're suddenly joined by Si Yu.

"Hey what's up?" she asks

"Exercise was just fine, what about you?" Erya replies.

"Omg I mean I did well, but I'm so tired and I still have to do so much stuff today!" Si Yu answers. I stop paying attention once she starts talking about her plans for the day and start thinking about what I want to do.

I never really plan what to do. I just do what comes to mind. Maybe I could read a book in a library, or go out my way to a bookshop. 

Immediately I start imagining a small bookstore overgrown with plants, many second hand books, some stray cats and wind chimes haning around the building. 

"You sure seem busy." Erya chuckles. 

I get pulled back into reality to see Si Yu walking away from us.

"Oh, sorry I zoned out." I reply.

"Let's talk later." She says and walks to her classroom.


TBC in chapter 3!

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