Chapter 6 (Draco's Pov)

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I didn't know what to do, everyone was paying attention to stupid Pottah, when I notice Dakota start stumbling out of the great hall. She looks like shes in a pain no one could understand. I quickly stand, not giving a shit who sees and I follow her, hoping everyone's attention was to focused on Harry to see her stumble out.

All I hear is her small heavy breaths, and I follow them, turning the corner to see her on her knees. She's gripping her head like it's full of secrets no one knows, but need to know. I start walking faster when I see her tears hitting the floor.

For the first time her name rolls out of my mouth, it was weird, it came so natural, "Dakota..."

I keep my voice soft, but before I could ask if she was okay. Before she could even see that I was the one that followed her. She falls to the ground. Her eyes closed, her cute lips twitching, her small fingers still clutching her hair... the hair that reminds me so much of my mother.

I can hear people start leaving the great hall, without thinking I pick the small fragile girl up and start to run. She was extremely light, so light it worried me slightly. I never really saw her in the great hall during breakfast or lunch, she was only there at dinner. But even then I noticed she would only eat a little.

I don't know why I was always watching the pathetic mudblood. But I was... always. She had always found a way to catch my attention. Just playing with the necklace she was always wearing. Or taking little puffs of her inhaler... pathetic... but cute.

"Madam Pomfrey." I practically beg as I walk into the the hospital wing and she looks up from who she was attending to.

"What happened?" She asked leaving the passed out boy and rushing to me and the small mudblood in my arms.

"I'm not sure, she seemed panicked, she stumbled out of the great hall and when I found her she was holding her head, and she passed out." I explain as Madam Pomfrey opens the covers to one of the beds.

"Lay her down, come on." Madam Pomfrey says but for some reason I don't want her out of my arms, I want to hold her.

I hesitate before letting her body roll out of my arms and right onto the bed. Madam Pomfrey is preparing something on the side as I pull the blanket up over the mudbloods... Dakota's shoulders.

"Visiting hours are over... unless you have some importance to her." Madam Pomfrey says staring at me as I keep my eyes on Dakota's face, she looked so scared... petrified even.

"Right... I'll be leaving then..." I whisper before turning on my heels and walking out, why didn't I say I was important to her, "What time... can I come back?"

"Excuse me?" Madam Pomfrey asked me, almost shocked.

"Never mind." I mumble and hurry out of the hospital wing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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