Chapter 1

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A filled great hall full of loud talking and laughter, it drives me insane. Even I wonder how I became a hufflepuff... literally all of the time. Although I'm not fit for any of the other houses, so I guess Hufflepuff isn't so bad. At least my best friend in the whole world, and the only person I trust is in Hufflepuff.

"You look happy." The sound of my best friend snatches me from my thoughts as I look up at the tall boy, "What's on your mind?"

"Just thinking." I reply looking at Cedric as he sits down opposite of me while I brush a strand of my black hair out of the way.

"Did you get your hair idea from Malfoy's mom?" Cedric asked as I roll my eyes, my hair was half black, half white... I did it way before I knew what Malfoy's mom looked like.

"No... I hate everything to do with that bleach head." I mutter as I push my food around on my plate.

"You know one day you two are going to realize you like each other." Cedric chuckles as a joke, but little did me and him know that he was right.

"Yeah right." I whisper and roll my eyes at the thought of me and Draco Malfoy getting along. That's funny.

Mine and Cedric's conversation suddenly got caught off by Dumbledor making his announcement. One that he made every year, and was similar each time. Usually I would just sneak away after but when I tried, I ran into Professor Snape and was sent back into the great hall, so here I am.

"Well, now that we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement." Dumbledor started as I rested my chin in my palm and turned my attention to his announcement, "This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chose--"

This is so stupid, if this announcement is so important then why the hell does someone like Filch have to cut Dumbledor off? Just get the announcement over with so I can return to my dorm and be alone. For what I wish would be forever.

"So... Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament. Now, for those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools."

That's just great...more people!

"...for a series of magical contests. From each of these schools a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxime."

I turn my attention to the now opening doors of the great hall, just to see the most beautiful women, who could make anyone feel self conscious. Although I would rather stay the way I look then wear those ugly blue dresses, or the coned shape hat on their heads. While watching the ladies my attention was caught by a very tall women walking behind them.

"Holy-ouch!" I wince as Cedric's foot collides with my shin, "What the hell man?"

"Stop swearing." Cedric hisses back and kicks me in the shin again making me whine.

"Stop doing that!"

"And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Dumstrang and their high master, Igor Karkaroff."

I turn my head back to the doors to see boys that look more like men stomping in and slamming sticks against the ground. This just seems a bit over the top if you ask me. But I have to say a few of them were somewhat attractive. Just not my at all.

"Is that Viktor Krum?" One of the Hufflepuff girls at our table asked as I looked over to see him walk in so I give a simple nod causing her to squeal.

"Oh my God shut up!" I hiss covering my ears.

"Fuck off Granger." The girl hisses before going back to being a fan girl with her friends as they eye Viktor Krum.

I hate people.

Once everything had calmed down I got up and walked out of the great hall. While I was making my way to the Hufflepuff common room I ran into a boy walking out of the bathrooms. I fell to the ground and whimpered.

"That's pathetic." The sound of the one person I hate most in the world rang through my ears.

"Malfoy..." I mumbled and stood up brushing off my skirt.

"Mudblood." He replies with a giant smirk on his face and leans down to be face to face with me, "Watch where you're going."

I roll my eyes as Draco stands straight once again, towering way over me. He walks past me, his hand brushing against mine by accident making me go red at the cheeks. I stuff my hands in the pocket of my hoodie and start walking faster, wanting so badly to just get to my dorm room and fall asleep.

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