I hurried to the throne room and spoke with my father about releasing him but he wasn't going to change his mind.

Myrabella: he saved my life father and you want him dead for that?

King William: I won't stand by and watch my only daughter defend that monster, he didn't save you Myrabella. You fell into his trap.

I was about to say something when I heard Iridessa speak up.

Iridessa: I seen it for myself your majesty, the boy did take her away from here to save your daughter's life and if not for him, Myrabella wouldn't be standing here today.

King William: you know for certain that she was taken away by the dragon and healed from the illness she had?

Iridessa: yes your majesty, I was the one who healed her.

King William: very well, have him brought up here so we can talk.

Several minutes passed and I seen him bringing brought into the throne room as the guard forced him to get on his knees, I noticed that he was beaten and bleeding after I kneeled down beside him.

Myrabella: what have they done to you?

King William: I don't know why you saved her but I owe my thanks to you boy...

Noell: I did it cause I care about her and I couldn't watch her die...

King William: you care about her?

Myrabella: I care about you too Noell...

King William: I should have realized it sooner, my daughter in love with an elf, This is a sight to behold. Titus...?

Titus: yes your majesty?

King William: have him cleaned up before the ball tonight, I can't have him scaring our guest by the way he looks now.

Titus: right away your majesty...

I watched as he helped Noell stand up and walked out of the throne room with him.

King William: Myrabella, go get ready for the ball tonight...

Myrabella: yes father...

I headed to my room and began looking through my best dresses but didn't see one that I wanted to wear, I seen Theodora walk into my room holding a dress after seeing that I couldn't find a decent dress to wear.

Theodora: I do believe this dress will look beautiful on you your highness.

Myrabella: thank you Theodora, you should get ready for tonight too...

She quickly left after I took the dress from her and put it on after my maid helped me get ready for the ball.

I had been standing outside the ball room when I heard him walk up behind me, I had been staring out at the ocean as a few of the stars fell from the sky.

Noell: you look beautiful...

Myrabella: thank you but it's the dress and makeup...

Noell: no, you're beautiful without all that. Why did you save me?

Myrabella: because you're worth saving Noell, I couldn't let my father kill you for saving my life.

Noell: I don't deserve your friendship Princess Myrabella.

Myrabella: perhaps you're right but you don't deserve to die either.

Noell: I'm not the person you expect...

Myrabella: you're not a monster Noell, I see the good in you even if you don't. I care about you and that's not going to change.

Noell: I care about you too but you should be with someone of your father's choosing.

Myrabella: my father can choose any guy in the land for me to marry but my heart will always be yours. I love you.

Noell: I don't want you being with me Myrabella, I'm not the person you think I am.

Myrabella: it's okay if you're scared, I'm scared too but I'm not going to leave your side. I can handle being with you.

Noell: I won't be able to stop myself once I start...

Myrabella: I don't expect you to stop. I was drawn to you the first day we met.

Noell: I was drawn to you as well, can we go somewhere and be alone?

Myrabella: I know the perfect place...

Myrabella: I know the perfect place

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