Lady : I'll kill myself if you don't give my money back.

She says and immediately took the scissor kept on the counter and placed it on her neck, this is interesting.

Lady : Do you know if I kill myself here, my boyfriend will not spare you.

Cafe owner : I did nothing wrong so I'm not scared of your boyfriend.

Lady : Do you even know who's my boyfriend, you'll tremble once you hear the name?

I smirked and stood up as she's really something.

Baekhyun : Don't get into someone else's business.

Cafe owner : Who is it that you're I confident?

Ignoring his words I focused on her but the moment she spoke the name of her boyfriend, my fingers balled. How dare she?

Lady : Mafia king Kim Seokjin!!

The cafe owner chuckled,

Cafe Owner : He's married!!

Lady : We don't care.

My jaw clenched and slowly took my steps towards her, taping her shoulder I gained her attention and she looked back.

YN : Hi!!

Lady : Who the fuck are you?

YN : Wife of the man you're plotting delusional affair with.

Her eyes widened and I smirked to see the reaction.
She looked around panic maybe scared as I'm actually wife of Mafia . Picking up the orange juice kept on the nearest table she splashed it right onto my face.

I closed my eyes all frustrated because it was my favorite top and now it's all stained by juice because of this annoying Lady who didn't even claimed my man as her but also has the audacity to splash juice on me.

I took the napkin from the table and cleaned my face while looking at her and one could clearly see in my eyes hiw much of a rage I have right now.

YN : You got some guts!!

With that I held her hair and banged her head on the table, people around gasp .

Baekhyun : Yah!! MIN YN!!


I growled and pinned her even harder making sure my nails leave a scratch on her ugly face.

YN : Everyone lie all you want but my husband is mine, he's my man so think before claiming as your even if it's for some excuse I won't tolerate.

I took some handful of her hair and cut them by the scissor she was holding while ago, her eyes widened and she was about to grab my throat but before she could even touch me I grabbed her hand and slapped with my other free hand making sure it leaves my finger print.

YN : I'm wife of him for a reason don't mess with me.

Pushing her I walked out of the cafe leaving baekhyun who was literally bowing to the customers for all the chaos.

YN : That motherfucker bitch!!

I just can't cool down myself, I need coke or just jin to look at but I really want to calm down myself.

BaekHyun : Here!!

He passed him coke and I immediately took the sip without waiting for another second.

BaekHyun : I told you to keep lo--

YN : She literally brought my husband's name for an affair, do you realise what would happen if the videos get viral?

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