Camie X Madara reader

Beginne am Anfang

It was a moment of silence until Yn decided to break the silence.

Yn: What do you want ?

The girl just smiled at him which did confuse Yn greatly since he could have sworn he sent her a spine chilling glare and to be honest, most people that have received a Glare from him have always stayed away, well besides one person, so why is this girl here ?

Camie: Hi I'm Camie utsushimi

Yn: I don't care, now what do you want ?

Camie: I wanted to thank you for picking me up back there

Yn: Well you kinda caused the incident by not looking where you are going

Camie:...oh right, then I guess I'm here to also say I'm sorry about that

Yn: Okay, now leave me alone cause your starting to greatly annoy me

Camie: Really, well I'm sorry for that too then

Yn: hmph

Camie: You have quite the attitude

Yn soon had enough and started to walk away from her but he soon heard her follow close behind him, Yn once again turned his head and then sent a another glare at her but for some reason she just smiled at him which caused Yn some discomfort.

Yn: You are weird

Camie: Oh thank you

Yn: that wasn't supposed to be a compliment

Camie: Well I think it's alright to be different

Yn: why are you still following me ?

Camie: Well I wanted to ask, what are those weapons for ?

Yn: None of your business

Camie: Oh come on, there's no need to be so mean about it

Yn: Leave me alone

Camie: Just say please then

Yn: What ?

Camie: Say please


Camie: There you go, now was that so hard ?

Yn: Why are you still here ?

Camie: Oh right, well bye I hope to see you again, maybe when we both get accepted into the school

And with that Camie left behind a very annoyed and even somewhat confused Yn, he was annoyed that there is a good chance he probably would see her again and confused with the fact that she would want to see him again, never the less Yn decided to focus up, after all he still had to get accepted into the school in the first place.

Yn soon heard the announcer call for everyone to start lining up for the entrance exam to begin, Yn soon walked to the front and then took a deep breath before he looked forward and activated his Sharingan.

Yn: Let me just make this quick

Time Skip

3rd POV

It's been a couple of months since the entrance exam, and not too surprising that Yn was accepted into Shiketsu high school, Yn's brother Izuna was the first one to see Yn's acceptance letter and brought it to him and then that's when Yn reviewed it and realized that he would be starting the new school year soon, Izuna congratulated him for his achievement while there father didn't really care, but it wasn't like Yn cared either after all he wasn't looking for his poor excuse of a father's approval.

Male reader one shots Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt