"No," I replied with sarcasm.

Letting go of my grip, I let Hanni turn around and take a look at me. As soon as she turned around, I looked at her grinning, but her mouth seemed to fall out of it's place. We never did video chatted on internet and since she moved away we haven't really seen each other in person.

Her face was clean, there wasn't a single pimple on the other girl's face. Her hair looked even healthier as it was and grew way longer. No wonder she already has a boyfriend, she deserves it. I mean she's a beautiful girl with a beautiful personality.

"I can't believe it's you," she answered after a while. "When did you get so tall?! You're so pretty!"

I shook my head with a chuckle and let go of her hand. It's good to see Hanni again, I really missed her. I don't have many friends at home. Not that it bothers me, because I honestly don't care, but only because I know Hanni is here and I can count on her at any time.

"Wow, Hanni you're like an adult now!" my mom suddenly spoke from behind me. "Aren't you coming in?"

"Oh, no and if you don't mind, I'll kidnap Haerin too," she replied with a smile.

I completely forgot that we are going to grill today...

"But she didn't eat anything..?"

"We're going to grill Mrs. Kang and I'll take care of your daughter, I promise." said Hanni, blinking nicely.

I turned back and looked at my mom smiling.

"Have you unpacked yet?"

Oh no.

"Mhm," I replied calmly.

I hate to lie, but I had to. Hanni couldn't stop talking about this day and to be honest, I was waiting for this too. I wonder who her new friends are.


"Hey, how far is this place?" I asked breathlessly as I followed Hanni up through the trees.

I have no idea where are we going, but it seems like we're lost. If I didn't know the girl in front of me, I would have turned around and rushed back to the holiday home with the reason that someone tried to kill me in the forest. But Hanni's always aware of things and what she's doing. I trust her one hundred percent .

While we were walking, I told her about our journey here. That I almost threw up from the disgusting chips my mother gave me in the car, seriously who eats spinach chips? Why would you buy spinach chips??

Anyways, she told me that the others were already up and that they are looking forward to meet me. The place where we will be standing has an open wooden tent type of thing, where drinks and food are available.

"We're almost there!"

"If you say so."

"Do you know what my goal is while you're here?" Hanni asked.


"To make you curse."

I shook my head laughing.

"Hey don't laugh! I'm totally serious, man," Hanni replied with a giggle. "It's unbelievable that in your 17 years, you've never cursed once."

"Well, that's a lie," I replied.

"Crap isn't a curse word!"

"Yes, it is."


"Jungwon put that shit down!" shouted someone.

"Even her voice is annoying..." Hanni said under her breath, "We've arrived."

We reached a flat area where the fire was already burning. Apart from us, there were 4 people here. Two boy and two girl.

"Oh, they're here," said the boy who was sitting on one of the chairs in front of the fire, smiling as he saw the girl next to me.

"Haerin this is Jake," Hanni said smiling as the black haired boy gently hugged her.

"I'm very pleased to meet you," the boy greeted me with a smile while holding out his hand. "I've heard a lot about you, Haerin."

Smiling back, I shook his hand and nodded my head. I was about to say my answer when suddenly a chair turned over.

Turning my gaze towards the sound, I saw how a tall girl with long hair knocked down a boy and ripped a burning stick out of his hand. I saw another girl a little further away from them, who was wiping her eyes from laughing.

"You aren't human," the boy said after she stood up.

"And you're weak," she replied.

"What did he do this time?" Hanni asked Jake.

"He started chasing Hyein with a burning stick," Jake answered. "Guys, our guest has arrived."

So far I don't feel that uncomfortable, which I think is a good thing. Jake is an extremely polite and respectful boy. You can see that he's in love with Hanni.

The place is very hidden in the mountains, everything is surrounded by trees. Even though we're in the middle of a forest, we haven't heard or seen any animals so far.

"So, the boy lying on the ground is Jungwon," Hanni said, as the boy sat up from the ground and waved.

Jungwon wore a gray T-shirt and blue shorts. He had short brown hair and happy energy radiated out of him.

"The girl who can't breathe from laughing is Hyein."

Hyein had long dark brown hair and an extremely beautiful face. She was wearing a long black cardigan with shorts which weren't visible from the oversized cardigan.

Hyein tried to say hello to me but as soon as she started waving she started laughing again while Jungwon looked at her happily from afar.


"Did you leave me last because you hate me?" asked the tall dark haired girl.

If Hanni's eyes could kill, this girl wouldn't have bones anymore. Which means she's Minji. The girl had long black hair and handsome face. She was wearing white pants and a black tight tank top.

"Hi, I'm Minji," she said with a smile as she sat down.

"Hey, my name's Haerin, it's nice to meet you all," I said bowing.

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