How to Stop Time

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Title: How To Stop Time
German Title: Wie man die Zeit anhält
Author: Matt Haig
Genres: (Historical) Fiction, Fantasy, Romance
Pages: 325 (paperback)

How many lifetimes does it take to learn how to live?

Tom Hazard has a dangerous secret. He may look like an ordinary 41-year-old history teacher, but he's been alive for centuries. From Elizabethan England to Jazz-Age Paris, from New York to the South Seas, Tom has seen it all. As long as he keeps changing his identity he can stay one step ahead of his past - and stay alive.

The only thing he must not do is fall in love...


Quotes: *will be added*


My personal rating: 4 ½ stars

The first time I read it, I stopped more or less in the middle of it, but finished the german version. It was just too excausting for me to read, but I still loved it nonetheless. Years later I finished it in english too and that was the beginning of my "english reading phase".

So it will always have a place in my heart, I really love the story and the message behind it.
The only thing "bothering" me is the ending, the last chapters to be precise, it feels kind of rushed.

Another thing are the time jumps. I, for my part, loved the different times, but sometimes it was a little too much and for some it might be too confusing.

It's a really good book about history, human kind, love and what it means to be alive. I recommend it! ^^


Some other books from the same author (haven't read them)
The Humans, The Last Family in England, Reasons to Stay Alive, Notes on a Nervous Planet, (more)

A Boy called Christmas - got turned into a movie! Watched it and it's a good children christmas movie


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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