331 - 340

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Chapter 331

Nan XiangWan completely went crazy, forcing Lan Tianyou and the NPC into a corner and terrifying them.

On the other side of the glass, Guan Liangzhe, Yun Qian, and Zhou Wenxia were originally screaming too, but after screaming for a while, they realized something was not right.

Huh? Why is this ghost chasing people while eating duck necks?

Finally, Nan XiangWan stopped chasing them. She found a place to sit on the edge and laughed gleefully while concentrating on eating.

After eating a whole large duck neck, she moved on to duck wings. With a handful of duck bones and nowhere to throw them,

At this time, Gu Beihuai stretched out his palm, "Give them to me."

Nan XiangWan looked up and gazed at Gu Beihuai's clean palm, then at her own oily hand and the duck bones she had gnawed all over with her saliva...

Hmm, she placed them in his hand without any hesitation.

And then happily continued eating!

Gu Beihuai went to throw away the duck bones in his hand. When he came back, he took out some napkins and wiped Nan XiangWan's face.

Gu Beihuai: "You're covered in food."

Nan XiangWan: "Slurp! Slurp slurp!"

Gu Beihuai: "Take off that ugly wig."

Nan XiangWan casually let Gu Beihuai tidy up her hair while she just focused on eating.

Whenever she needed to spit out some bones, Gu Beihuai would stretch out his hand.

Gu Beihuai: "Spit it in my hand."

Nan XiangWan: "Ptooey—Slurp! Slurp slurp!"

Deathly silence around them.

Having gone through excessive terror earlier, Lan Tianyou and the NPC were now excessively shocked again.

Guan Liangzhe, Yun Qian and Zhou Wenxia—the three of them plastered against the glass, staring at them with eyes as big as bells!

What on earth are you two doing, Nan XiangWan and Gu Beihuai!

Are you dating?

At this point, Hua Yuanwu and the program team had gone insane.

The crew members screamed, throwing hats, coats, cigarettes—those with nothing left to throw, pulled each other's hair. This dogfood gave them goosebumps all over!

Hua Yuanwu stood there, stunned, and soon drenched in nervous sweat.

Do you two even realize what you're doing?!

This is live!

Stop! Stop at once!

And the streaming bullet comments...

Were there even any normal comments left?

The screen was filled with fiery verbal battles, Northerners and Brick fans biting at each other relentlessly, with the occasional shipper fan floating by to celebrate.

Madness! Utter madness!

Xiao Dong had originally been napping on the sofa in a backstage corner, planning to wrap up arrangements for Nan XiangWan after the show recordings.

Who knew the surroundings would get so noisy. The crew was making a ruckus like New Year celebrations.

Xiao Dong took off her eye mask and sat up, completely bemused.

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