321 - 330

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Chapter 321

Sending the hair was also done by the suspect, because she equally hates Nan XiangWan!

In the suspect's cognition, if it weren't for Nan XiangWan, Tan Shen wouldn't have suffered so miserably either!

And the one who provided Nan XiangWan's home address was still that mysterious person.

The mysterious person seems to know everything, running through the entire case, but didn't mention a word about the murder, let alone any words to guide the crime.

After reading this information, Jie Chou scratched his head: "This suspect actually graduated from a famous university, but her psychology... Does she have a mental illness?"

His colleague nodded: "Obviously there is, she was just arrested, waiting for a diagnosis."

Jie Chou continued to read the information behind, and found that the account name and IP address of the mysterious person were verified, the source was precisely from the phone that was found in Science Fiction City before and has since been destroyed.

The mysterious person is the owner of the phone that published harmful remarks!

His colleague shook his head: "Unfortunately, the phone was thoroughly destroyed, although there is an IP address, but the account is not real-named, and there is no transaction record. The other party is cunning, has multiple backups."

Jie Chou said: "This case still can't be determined as a murder by command."

Colleague: "Can't determine that, the suspect took initiative to commit the crime. That mysterious person only provided information."

Jie Chou closed the information with a 'snap': "You guys take care of it, if the result is just that, then you close the case."

Colleague: "OK, do we still need to authenticate the hair sample for false implication?"

Jie Chou: "Yes, add a count of false implication."

Walking out of the police station, Jie Chou smelled the crawfish scent on his body and sighed.

Although the criminal case is closed, things are obviously not over yet.

That mysterious person poses great threat to Nan XiangWan!


Top floor apartment in Season Palace.

Seeing depressed Nan XiangWan, Gu Beihuai amusingly helped her clean up the table, take out trash etc.

As the crawfish smell at home gradually disappeared, Nan XiangWan lied down on the sofa staring at the ceiling.

Gu Beihuai came back after throwing trash: "What are you thinking about?"

Nan XiangWan: "Tan Shen reported to the police, suspect arrested."

Gu Beihuai: "Oh."

Nan XiangWan: "Escaped by him again."

Gu Beihuai: "Little brain is quite smart ah, how come you can't solve test questions?"

Nan XiangWan anxiously said: "What do you mean I can't do it! I scored so high marks!"

Gu Beihuai: "Yes, yes, you scored high. Has your admission notice come down yet?"

Nan XiangWan: "No, my brother is at home every day waiting for express delivery for both our notices."

Gu Beihuai: "Sleep early tonight, you still need to sing tomorrow right, have you picked a song yet?"

Nan XiangWan suddenly sat up: "!!!"

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