A New Adventure Beginning Anew

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Y/N sat with F/N, Aaarrrgghh!!!, Barbara, and Strickler in Benoit's French Bistro. Douxie came over with a tray of drinks. "Here we are. Two coffees and one F/D," Douxie said. Y/N took her cup from Douxie and thanked him, listening to the radio. "Good evening, Arcadia Oaks! It's been two weeks since that night. You know the one." Yep, the Eternal Night. Y/N couldn't believe it had been two weeks already, and so far, there was no danger yet. But hey! At least Y/N and the others could take a break.

"The one we never talk about, but I'm talking about it now. Yeah. And everyone has been working hard to finish repairs on our little town. Good job, everybody. Didn't I say Arcadia would never be the same after the Battle of the Bands?" the radio man chuckles, "Gene, dude, you owe me ten bucks, man!" He then chuckles again, "I'm just kidding. But seriously, am I? Ten bucks, please, seriously. Hopefully, that's the last of the weirdness here in Arcadia. Just remember, folks, what really happened that night is our town's little secret. Shh!"

"Hmph! He sure got that right. Anyways, how are the babies doing?" Y/N asked. Strickler coughed a little from his coffee, and Y/N shook her head. Still not used to it, huh? Barbara calmly sipped her coffee. "They're doing great, Y/N. There's hardly any room for me to put them all in my house, but thanks to your magic, we get to breathe easy." Y/N smiled at her, nodding, and drank her F/D.

After having their night meeting, everyone walked their separate ways. Douxie, Y/N, and F/N waved goodnight to Aaarrrgghh!!!, Barbara, and Strickler. Douxie and Y/N held hands on the way back; the past two weeks have been quite relaxing for them, going on dates without having a mission to go on.

"You know, sometime soon there might be a new adventure for us to go on," Y/N said. It was fine to take a break, but without any bad guys to beat, it's kinda getting boring. "How so?" Douxie chuckled, and Y/N hummed, looking to the side, remembering the time when Aja and Krel were chased by a giant spaceship. "Eh, it'll come around."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

It was night, everyone in Arcadia was asleep except for the four friends who were setting up traps for aliens. "Why did you need us to come?" Y/N pointed at her and F/N. "Because you're the only sorceress here that can withstand an alien!" Eli exclaimed, while holding the rope. Yes, Eli and Toby were setting up traps for Aja and Krel. Eli texted her after she and Douxie came back home.

As they walked through an alley, they heard a Vespa driving, and the group came out from the alleyway to see Steve and Aja driving through. "That was Steve!" Eli exclaimed. "And isn't that Aja?" Toby said, looking at Eli. "That alien has Steve! She kidnapped him! I bet she brainwashed him!" Y/N raised a brow at him, and Toby didn't care, "That wouldn't be hard." Eli glared at him and hit his stomach with his elbow, "New plan. We have to save Steve." Toby raised a brow at him, "Do we, though?" Y/N crossed her arms, and F/N shook his head, "I thought you were supposed to be a protector of Arcadia, that includes the civilizations." 

Toby groaned, and Eli turned to Y/N. "Y/N, use your floating spell so we can catch up to them." Y/N sighed and nodded, "But if we're going to go over to them, I need to make us invisible. Ruomalg, edih eht maet." (Glamour, hide the team) The cloaking hid the team. "Etativel eht maet!" (Levitate the team) Y/N grabbed the boys' hands and jumped off the ground, making the boys exclaim. "Close your mouths; the glamour charm only hides us; it doesn't mute our voices." The boys did as she told, and they arrived at the central park.

As they arrived, Y/N removed the glamour spell, "Ruomalg hsinav!" (Glamour vanish), and hid behind the statue that sat in the middle of Central Park, eavesdropping on Steve, Aja, and Krel (who somehow arrived). Toby's stomach growled out of nowhere. "Did you hear that?" they heard Krel ask. "It's probably just raccoons," Steve assured them. "Raccoons! Right," Eli peeked over to see them moving on as he whispered-yelled at Toby, whose stomach growled again, "They can hear your stomach!"

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