
It might just seem impossible to me since I'm a loner, not by choice, but because of lack of social abilities.

'Damn my teachers! Couldn't they have taught me some communication skills? Instead of some equations or chemical reactions. I need to be able to communicate to live happily!!!'

Having come to the conclusion that it's all my teachers fault, I felt a little less inferior.

But still, walking alone like this feels lonely.

'Wonder if they have... no, I doubt they'd sell that type of stuff in the school's perimeter. Damn this high class school!!'

"Look at that guy."

I looked to my right from where the feminine voice came from.


"Are you not going to say anything?"

Asked a girl... who's at my same height.

'Damn you goddess of height!!!'

"Which one are you talking about?"

I asked as I looked at my surroundings, seeing a multiple of guys, some accompanied by a girl, some with a male friend , one that's surrounded by girls and some guys, and... ah, fellow loners. How happy it is to see more people who are by themself.

"Are you talking about the one that's in the big group?"

I looked at the girl. Not looking down at her... but looking straight at her.

"Yeah... are you okay?"

She stepped away, probably weirded out by me just looking at her.

"Yeah, just... kinda sad about something..."

"If you're sad about not being as popular as that dude then improve your social skills. You have the looks, but your lack of conversational skills brings your value down."

"Sigh I know I have to improve my social skills, but I'm not sad about that."

"Then what is it?"

She tilted her head slightly to the right.

Now that I look at her, she's kinda cute, but I guess that's because of multiple things, not just because of her natural looks.

Her hair looks well maintained, her skin was clearly well taken care of, she had a flower hairpin, her body was well proportioned, and her uniform fit her perfectly, except her jacket, which fit her a little big, but that just adds to the charm.

"I'd rather not say. It's too embarrassing."

"Okay. I'll let it be."

"Thank you."

Hold on, did we ever introduce ourselves?

"Well, I'm going to go over with the big group. Cya."

"I see. Bye."

And just like that, a potential friend had slipped away.

'Would have been nice to have her as a friend, she was pretty cute. Maybe we could've even dated in the future. Would have been nice.'

I continued my lonely path to Class-D.

As I walked I took glances to my surroundings.

The school's area was well maintained.

The grass was cut, as well as the bushes, the trees were also cut to look nice, there was no trash anywhere, the benches were clean, and the windows on the buildings were all clean.

One Year Too EarlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora