Baby Steps

698 39 33

Ayanokoji POV-

Sitting on the bus, I was headed to Advance Nurturing High School, or ANHS for short.

There wasn't really anything to do on the bus.

Other students were on their phone or reading a book. But I had brought neither of those things.

Not having anything to do, I looked out the window, going into deep thought.

What's to be expected at ANHS?

It's a school made to develop Japan's future generation. Produce diamonds out of the coal they were given. Although the metaphor isn't true, it works to get my point across.

But getting back on topic, how are the students going to behave? How are the teachers going to behave? How's the school structured? How's the school system structured?

One of those questions could somewhat already be answered.

From the way the students on the bus are behaving, they're not anything extraordinary. We're all just average high schoolers. But maybe some of them could possess some impressive ability, but just don't look as if they do.

I'm excited to see them in action.

Oh, cherry blossoms.




'They're not as beautiful as I imagined them to be, or maybe I was just expecting too much.'

I thought to myself as the bus passed by a row of these cherry blossoms.

After a minute, we arrived at the gates of the school.

'The trip went by pretty fast. Perhaps this is how all car rides are.'

I got up from my seat and stood there, waiting for the other students to get off first.

As I got out of the bus, I got a breath of fresh air. It felt nice.

No longer feeling suffocated from the consistent amount of people I had to share oxygen with, or walls that didn't allow for fresh air to get in.

As I walked towards the staircase leading to the school's gate, I heard the bus behind me closing its doors.

I turned around and decided to wave to the bus driver, a way of saying "thanks for the ride."

But he hadn't noticed my wave as he was staring in front of him, getting ready to take off.

As the bus slowly moved ahead, I saw a girl, brown hair and purple eyes. She had a smile on her face as she waved to me as the bus drove away.

Probably having seen my failed attempt, she probably felt sympathetic and waved back as a way to lift my spirits. Which successfully worked.

Now, onto bigger matters, getting to class.

"Class-D" was the class I had gotten assigned to.

I wonder what the other classes are named.

Class-E? Class-C?

There might be a sort of connection in the names, a pattern of sorts.

Just kidding, although it would be pretty fun if there was some sort of hidden meaning hiding behind the last letters.

As I walked towards my class, I looked around the area.

Some students were walking in front of me, others were sitting down on some benches.

'Did they all know each other beforehand?'

It seemed strange to me that if these students had just met each other, how'd they already get close enough to walk with each other and even sit down together?

One Year Too Earlyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें