Spoiled Beginning

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Ayanokoji POV-

I was just looking outside for a while, unbothered by what was going on around me.

I saw cherry blossoms falling to the ground, similar to the ones I saw fail...

I've said enough of that.

Some students could be seen running through the school's door, ruining what would otherwise be a beautiful site.

'Huh, what is that?'

One of the students seemed to carry something in their hand, something round, but was clearly being held by something else.

'I'd like to find out what that is.'

Having decided to find that mysterious object, I've engraved it into my memories. The shape, the colors, the way the student held it. Everything.

'Alright, after everything I need to do for school is dealt with, I'll go find this thing. Can't wait.'

I continued to stare at the outside, taking in how softly the cherry blossoms fell to the ground, how the wind gentry carried them down, seemingly torturing it with a slow fall.

Or maybe you could see it as a way of gently letting it down to the ground and enjoy the scenery it could see... maybe I shouldn't go near girls for a while.

'Damn these teenage hormones! Ruining my innocent mind. Maybe I should try the bible.'

Deciding to devote myself to God, I've decided to purchase a bible whenever I can.


'Seems like the teacher is here, or maybe a troublemaker.'

Having heard the door open in a more ruff way than before, I took a peak to see which of the two options it was.

Stomp Stomp Stomp Stomp

The teacher, sadly, was a young guy. He didn't have a handsome face, but neither was he bad looking.

'Wonder if he's ever dated a girl.'

He didn't seem like someone who'd be able to get a girl, even though he definitely had the looks.

'Maybe his personality is an issue. He doesn't seem to be confident by the way he walks, and stands at the front of the class.'

Having noticed that my teacher was somewhat similar to me, my early regret of getting a male teacher disappeared.

"Hello everyone, my name is Akimitsu Adachi, it's nice to meet all of you. I'd like for all of you to be patient with me as I'm not really good with names. Now, getting my introduction out of the way, I'd like to start explaining to all of you the school rules and system."

Two students started to whisper to each other, presumably talking about the teacher as they were both girls, as well as continuously taking glances at him as they talked.

'Bastard! You fooled me with your perfect act!'

Having taken back my acceptance of having a male as my teacher, I got upset, not liking the idea of having to compete against a teacher to get a girlfriend, although I'd likely not try to get one.

"Now if everyone could quiet down."

Adachi sensei said as he looked at the girls.

A handful of students snickered seeing two students called out.

The aforementioned girls were embarrassed, having been called out for talking while the teacher talked.

"Okay. Firstly, ruff behavior such as name calling, fighting, pushing, slapping, etc. will not be tolerated and whoever started such problems will be faced with a week of suspension, and if the number of times such things continue to stack up, the school will have no choice but to expel the student. Secondly, bullying is by no means allowed. We, at ANHS, look down on bullying and will show no remorse for the bullies. While we understand that students may feel upset at another student, we expect all of our students to be capable of handling things with a proper conversation with the one they dislike. If anyone is caught bullying, then we'd have no choice but to suspend the student for 3 weeks, and if we receive one more complaint, we'd have to expel the student. Thirdly, no damage to school property. Failing to follow this will lead to you losing points... maybe I should've started with the explanation of the school's system."

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 12 ⏰

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