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Katherine knock on Ken door, he is excited to see her. The two lovers watch movie together. Ken express  how he miss her and he was sorry for the way he spoke to her. Katherine isn't the type to make the first move in intimacy,  so she waited till Ken kiss her and they both romance each other,  things get deep and both parties made love. Ken offered Katherine food to eat and they both discuss  about their future  together and the plans they have for each other.
   Katherine said her goodbye and left him for home. She open the door and greet her grandma. Grandma want Katherine to drop the gist, but Katherine just smiled and enter the kitchen to prepare a meal for her grandma.  Her phone ring, its her dad. Katherine pick up the call, she and her dad speak for 5minute and he disconnect the call. Katherine serve Grandma her meal and she went into her room to prepare for tomorrow training.

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