Cooper slowly took the paper in his hands in genuine awe. "You kept this?" He asked in disbelief.

"Of course I did."

Cooper let out a shaky breath. "I...I don't...Gary, what are you trying to tell me?"

I huffed. "Look at what the box says."

Cooper glanced at the writing. "Gary's treasures?" He said in confusion, not understanding my point.

But then it hit him. "Wait- why would you- your name—"

I smiled. "I wrote Gary because the only memories I ever found worth keeping in here were memories of us, Cooper. Of you. I've never had any others important enough."

Cooper slowly set the note down back in the box, hands shaking. "That...That doesn't mean anything."

My heart stopped. "What?"

"You...You just haven't been around enough people." He insisted distantly, refusing to look at me.

"Are you- Are you—" I sputtered, before pure anger fueled my chest. "Are you kidding me!?"

Cooper's shoulders shot up to his ears. "W-What!?"

"You- You asked me for proof of my feelings. How is this not proof!? How is the fact that everything I care about has been centered around you, not mean anything!? How can you look at all of our memories right here and just—" I had to fight back tears. "Dismiss them?"

"I am not dismissing them." Cooper protested in an instant, hands balling into fists.

I scoffed, moving to shove the items back into the box. "Really? Then what the hell do you call this? I have no idea what you want from me, Cooper. I don't know how else I can possibly show you my feelings are real." I slammed the lid on the box and shoved it into my closet before turning to glare at him. "Why can't you just accept that I'm in love with you!?"


I stared at him in disbelief.

Tears filled Cooper's eyes in that moment as he anxiously gripped at his hoodie. "People like me...don't get to win against the perfect girl. They don't get to be with their best friend and have everything they've ever wanted in life. They don't get to be loved back by the only person that matters to them." He choked out a sob.

Any anger in my body faded away into nothing. Before I could overthink it, I was walking over and taking Cooper's hands in my own.

"It's not about who wins, Cooper." I started softly. "But if that's really how you see it then- then you need to realize that you did win, okay? My heart is here for you to take and do what you want with it. It always has been. You're my favorite person." I smiled a little. "The only thing that's changed is I've found another way to love you."

Tears rolled down Cooper's cheeks as he looked me in the eyes, shoulders shaking as he hiccupped.

And then he was hugging me so tightly it hurt.

But I didn't mind. I merely wrapped my arms around him and held him, trying to somehow make up for years of pain in a single moment.

"Please don't change your mind." He sobbed, hands grabbing fistfuls of my sweater. "Please tell me this is real. Please, please Gary—"

"It's real." I promised, a warm smile forming on my lips. "Thank you for waiting so long. For letting me work out my feelings. For being my best friend before anything else. Thank you."

I don't know how long we stayed like that, holding each other as if the world was going to break beneath our feet.

But at some point, Cooper finally stopped shaking, and began to let me go.

And then he was meeting my gaze with wide eyes full of shock.

"Holy shit. Holy shit, we're boyfriends." He stated in genuine awe.

I stared at him in pure silence for about two seconds before breaking down into wheezes. "I—yes?"

"Oh my God—oh my GOD—" he freaked, a little hop in his step. He grabbed my arms excitedly. "Gary, we're boyfriends!"

I laughed hard. "I know, I know! And you know what that means?"

"What?" He looked at me curiously.

"I can finally kiss you." I grinned, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

And the reaction I received made it worth everything.

Cooper's face turned a bright shade of red. And his expression became downright shy.

It was so cute.

"T-T-That's the only kiss I get, huh?" He asked after a moment, looking flustered.

My face suddenly grew hot, and I hesitantly leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips.

The second our lips touched; I felt the electricity all the way down to my toes.

Cooper and I broke out into fits of giggles before leaning in and kissing again, and again, and again.

Before I could lose my nerve, I tackled Cooper down on my bed in a tight hug, grinning so hard my face hurt. "I can't believe we waited so long to do this"

"Me either." He laughed, nuzzling against me. Somehow, he seemed to fit almost perfectly in my arms.

"Hey," I started in a whisper. I pressed my nose against his lovingly as I met his eyes. "I love you."

Cooper let out the dorkiest giggle I've ever heard in my entire life. "You're such an idiot. I love you too, you absolute sap."

He wasn't wrong. I was a sap.

If only for him.

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