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I stood outside the cinema, waiting for Nina to arrive for our date.

And besides the fact that I'm fairly certain I'm going to sweat through my shirt and make a puddle on the theater seat, I'm feeling pretty okay about it.

I'd feel a lot more okay about it if Cooper would answer his damn phone.

Ever since I spotted him getting in trouble with that teacher, he hasn't texted me or anything, even though he knows tonight is arguably the biggest night of my life.

Am I mad? Maybe a little. But more than that, I'm just worried.

I tried to text him a few times, but he's not responding to me. I know he's there, but he's leaving me on read like an asshole.

Honestly, if it were any other day, I would've already barged into his house to make his problems my problems, but tonight I just can't.

Not when I'm finally, finally, going out with Nina.

Holy shit, I'm going out with Nina.

As the panic started to set in my bones, that was, of course, the moment Nina decided to arrive.

I watched her slip out of the car, exchange a small goodbye with whoever drove her, and then start making her way over to the entrance.

She had gone with a soft pink eyeshadow and lipstick combo, and I suspected the blush on her cheeks was also makeup; it went well with her freckles. Her brown hair was long and had a bit of a bounce to it that it normally didn't have. Maybe she used a hair curler? And she was wearing a red v-neck with some frilly sleeves going to her elbows, along with some lightly ripped jeans and black heels with straps.

To put it simply, Nina was beautiful.

Don't get me wrong, Nina always looked beautiful, but seeing her all dolled up for our date was a new level. I knew I was staring like an idiot, but I couldn't help it.

Nina must've noticed my far too long stare, because her eyes suddenly crinkled as she smiled. A little unsure, but all in all amused. "Are you with me?" She teased.

I tried not to let the embarrassment overwhelm me as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Y-Yeah, sorry. look really pretty." I paused, a weight sinking in my stomach. "Shit, was that weird to say? I don't know why I said that—"

Jesus Christ. I don't know what's worse, the fact that I said anything in the first place or the fact that I made a big deal about it. Of course I can say she's pretty, this is a date.

But to my relief, Nina merely let out a laugh. "It's fine, thank you. Cooper was right, you are sweet."

My mind buzzed. "...Cooper said that?" I asked.

"Mhm. Oh, I hope you don't mind if I write about this date on my blog? I can totally leave your name out if you want. But I just wanted to check." She explained.

"No, that's uh, that's cool." I said dumbly, still a bit distracted by her previous comment. "Should we head in?"

Nina nodded, giving me a beaming smile. "Let's go."

As Nina and I left the theater, she loosely held my hand as if it was something natural.

The movie itself was fine, but I couldn't help how awkward I felt during the whole thing. I kept wanting to lean over and whisper to Nina about every little thing like I always did with Cooper, but I don't know if she'd find that annoying or not, so instead I just kept quiet and focused on the movie.

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