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Cooper kept true to his word.

The next day, it was like nothing had ever happened. He texted me good morning, we met up at school, and he was his typical bubbly self.

I tried to bring up last night, but every time I did, he would talk over me or find an excuse to leave.

It was frustrating. I know he wanted to forget it happened, but shit doesn't work like that.

Last night I couldn't sleep, thinking about what had transpired.

Cooper loves me? My best friend since we were little brats?

The same person who asked out my crush on my behalf?

It didn't make any sense. None of it made any sense.

Part of me was angry that he told me. If he was going to act like it didn't happen, then maybe it shouldn't have happened in the first place.

But another part of me was just confused and worried.

"You're not going to have much nail left if you keep doing that." Nina spoke up from beside me abruptly.

I awkwardly removed my finger from my mouth, where I'd been anxiously chewing away at the nail. "Sorry, that's gross."

"It's fine." She waved it off, taking a sip of her juice. We were outside for lunch. Cooper had gone off to who knows where.

I didn't have the nerve to text him.

"So, what's on your mind?" She asked.

"Just...the double date, I guess." It wasn't a complete lie.

Nina hummed. "Eleanor isn't too hurt. Honestly, I think she was more confused than anything. I'm sorry if I caused any problems between you guys."

"No, no, you didn't do anything." I insisted, shaking my head. "Cooper's the one not making any sense right now. I just need to talk to him or something."

I glanced at Nina to see her gnawing on her bottom lip, like she wanted to ask me something. "...Is something wrong?" I asked.

Nina opened her mouth briefly, but then closed it and smiled at me. "I was going to go to the arcade next weekend. I thought...you'd like to come. Make a date of it?"

Honestly, a date was pretty much the last thing I wanted right now.

But maybe it's what I needed. Time away from the confusion and from Cooper, to just be with Nina.

I must've taken too long to answer though, because Nina began to frown. "Or...Or not. It's no big deal—"

"I'd love to." I cut her off, doing my best to smile. "That sounds like a blast. Let's do it."

Relief filled my chest as Nina began to smile, giving me a small nod. "Great." She checked her watch and frowned. "Oh, lunch is about over. I should get to class. See you later." She suddenly leaned forward and pecked my cheek.

It felt nice. I guess.

Nina left without another word. I stayed outside for a few more minutes before making the decision to text Cooper.

G: We need to talk about the double date.

C: Cant talk rn, in class, were you shuold be to, idoit.

C: Youll get in truoble if yur not here soon lol

I rolled my eyes at his obvious avoidance, but one glance at the time on my phone nearly gave me a heart attack.

Did I really manage to sit out here for an extra ten minutes!?

I didn't bother to reply to Cooper's texts and instead bolted inside, praying I'd get there before the teacher.

Another Way To Love (LGBT)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora