Nina let out a laugh. "Not a fan huh?"

"I'll go with you Nina. Eleanor's too big of a baby for it anyways." Joshua teased, nudging Eleanor with his elbow.

"Shut up, Josh." Eleanor muttered, but it was in a fond tone that made it clear she wasn't mad.

Nina smiled at me. "Alright, we'll be back in a bit. You don't mind, right?"

"No, not at all." I insisted quickly. "Have fun."

"Thanks." Nina pressed a kiss to my cheek before walking off with Joshua towards the ride of death, leaving me and Eleanor stood there alone.

In an attempt to break the ice, I looked around and spotted a snack truck. "Uh hey, you uh, you want something?" I offered, pointing to the truck.

Eleanor's eyes widened; I must've caught her off guard. "Oh, um, sure. Maybe some cotton candy?"

"Got it, I'll be back." I insisted, turning to head for the truck.

But suddenly Eleanor spoke up, making me stop. "U-Um...your friend, Cooper?" I looked back at her to see her fiddling with her overalls. "He he single?"

Now it was my turn to be caught off guard. "Is Cooper single?" I asked dumbly; obviously that's what she just asked. "Uh, yeah, I mean, I've never seen him with anyone so..."

"O-Okay, I was just curious." Eleanor squeaked out before grabbing her phone from her pocket. "A-Are you gonna get the cotton candy or?..."

"Shit, right, uh, I'll do that." I headed for the truck, but there was a new, murky discomfort in my gut, and it wasn't from the nerves of being around new people or the idea of the scary rides.

I don't know why I feel so weird about it. It makes sense she'd be curious. Cooper's a teenager like me, and it's not like he's bad to look at or anything, hell, out of all the guys at are school he's definitely one of the better looking ones, not that I'm really looking or anything but—

I shook my head to push the dumb train of thoughts away. What am I even thinking about? She just threw me off with the question, that's all. I'm just nervous because I've never met these people before. Not to mention, I've never even heard Cooper talk about having an interest in girls, of course it would be weird to think about.

I guess.

By the time Eleanor and I finished our cotton candy, Cooper and Molly were heading back over to us. Molly was rambling on about something and Cooper...

Was strangely silent, actually.

Quiet is never a word I would use to describe Cooper, but he wasn't adding anything to the conversation he appeared to be in with Molly, not even nodding along.

Thankfully, Molly didn't seem to notice, or if she did she didn't care, just happy to talk about whatever it is she was talking about.

And the moment they came back over to us, Molly was dragging Eleanor into a conversation in an instant, to which Eleanor occasionally chimed in with a single-worded comment or a nod.

When Cooper walked over to me, I tugged his arm to bring him closer, whispering so the girls couldn't hear me. "What's up with you? You're so quiet."

"It's not like I know the girl, Gary." Cooper huffed, putting his hands up in defense. "What am I supposed to say?"

I shrugged, not really having a good answer. "I dunno, but just, don't be rude. I don't want Nina's friends to dislike us."

"What difference does it make if they like me?" Cooper grumbled under his breath, but I heard it anyway.

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