Chapter 49

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After some days, everyone went back to their kingdoms. Malwa's royals and princesses of Ujjain came to stay for some days. 

The entire Aryavart changed due to the laws made by Priya. The changes made was initially refused by some Kingdoms, and Priya did exactly what she said. She declared war and defeated those kings. 

The way Priya gives justice is known by all as she becomes a Mafia Queen when she gives justice to the victims. Her cold aura, her cold-blooded punishment makes many kings' shiver with fear when they hear her name. All caste started to get education, children and women started to learn self-defense. No one was discriminated.

One fine day, Priya as usual was getting ready for the day when she felt dizzy. She closed her eyes for a moment and opened when she felt better. But then again, she felt dizzy and fell unconscious. 

Prithvi came to the room and saw Priya lying unconscious on the floor. He ran towards her.

Prithvi- Paro! Open your eyes. Paro! Guards, bring the royal doctor! He shouted.

He then carried Priya to the bed. Hearing his shout, Ranima, Maharaj, Akash, Chandra, Ishita and Vilas came.

Akash- Jyesht what happened? Why are you shouting?

Maharaj Vikram- Son, what happened?

Prithvi- Father, when I came to check on Paro, she was lying unconscious on the floor. I have called the Royal doctor.

Prthvi looked at Priya caressing her face.

Ishita- Prithvi, calm down. Nothing will happen to our Paro.

The royal doctor came and asked everyone to leave the room, but Prithvi didn't want to leave.

Maharani- Prithvi dear, let the doctor check her. Let's go and wait outside.

Prithvi- But maa, Paro.

Maharani- Nothing will happen to her. Let's listen to the doctor. Come.

Prithvi reluctantly went with others outside.

Priya gained consciousness. She saw the royal doctor.

P- What happened? Royal doctor! Why are you here?

Doctor- Empress, you fainted. 

P- I'm okay now.

Doctor- Let me check your health.

Priya let her check.

Outside, Prithvi was pacing back and forth worried.

Chandra- Jyesht, stop pacing. You are making me dizzy. I think doctor check you.

Prithvi- Chandra, I am worried and you are joking. He said frowning.

Ishita- Prithvi, you should calm down. Doctor is checking her. Let the doctor come out.

Maharani- They are right. 

Prithvi- But ma... they were interrupted as the doctor came out.

Prithvi ran towards the doctor.

Prithvi- Doctor, how is Paro? What happened to her? Is she fine? He kept on asking her questions.

Maharaj- Prithvi, she can answer only if you let her. He said exasperatedly. 

Prithvi looked at him while others were trying to control their laughter.

Doctor- Empress is alright. She has gained consciousness. She needs rest at THIS stage. She said smiling.

The women understood the meaning and were beaming feeling happy and ran inside. The men except for Maharaj understood.

Prithvi- What stage?

Doctor- Rest of the information, Empress will tell herself. Saying this she left.

Prithvi- If Paro will tell me, then why will I need to call the doctor?

Maharaj laughed at his confused face.

Chandra- Father, why are you laughing.

Maharaj- Nothing. Congratulations Prithvi and then hugged him and went inside to meet Priya.

Akash- Why did father congratulate you Jyesht?

Prithvi- I have no idea. He looked at his brothers confused.

Inside Priya chamber, all of them congratulated Priya and blessed her.

Vilas- Congratulations Paro Didi.

Priya blushed and said thanks.

Maharaj- Thank you for this wonderful news, Putri. I am so happy today. 

Priya- Father, where is Prithvi? 

Maharaj hearing Prithvi's name started to laugh.

Maharani- Arya, why are you laughing.

Maharaj told about the conversation outside, and everyone started to laugh.

Prithvi came inside and saw the family laughing. 

Prithvi- Paro! He called out.

Everyone looked at each other and controlled their laugh and left the couple.

Prithvi went and sat near Priya.

Prithvi- What happened Paro? Why did you faint? Why did the doctor said that you will tell what happened? I told you many times to care of yourself. He was interrupted when Priya closed his mouth using her palms.

P- If you keep on speaking, then how am I supposed to say you are going to be a father?

Prithvi took her palms away from his mouth and was going to complain when he stopped realizing what he heard.

P- What happened? Should I repeat? She asked him.

Prithvi just nodded.


Prithvi looked at Priya surprised. He suddenly took a glass pf water and drank quickly. Priya looked at his actions confused.

Prithvi- So, I am going to be a mother and you a father. He asked fast.

Priya shook her head no and laughed.

Prithvi realized his blunder and spoke.

Prithvi- I mean, I am going to be a father and you a mother.

Priya cupped his face and spoke.

P- Yes. We are going to be parents. 

Prithvi cupped her face and kissed her forehead.

Prithvi- I am so happy. Thank you for this news. We have to celebrate this grandly.

Priya smiled looking at Prithvi's happy face. She hugged him close.

Later that day, Maharaj announced Priya's pregnancy. The people in Ayodhya hearing the news started to dance and sing happily. Their Empress is going to be a mother.

The news of Priya's pregnancy was sent to Dwaraka, Angdesh and Hastinapur.

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