Chapter 22 - Festival of Light

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For the entire flight to Naboo, Kennedy stood in front of the bridge windows and just watched the blue light dance across the glass.

She said nothing to anyone, and she could feel everyone's stares searing into her back. Not even Ahsoka was successful in starting a conversation with her. Or Anakin as she learned.

As they all boarded the Jedi Shuttle, the chancellor conversed with Master Windu and the other Jedi Masters. Kennedy only boarded and found her place leaning against the hull of the ship, and stayed there the whole time in silence. Anakin found his place across from her with Ahsoka.

She didn't exactly want to be on this mission, especially after everything that has happened. But even though she disappointed the council by going on the excursion with Anakin to Nal Hutta, apparently they were impressed with her...for some twisted reason. Kennedy never knew where she stood with the council and neither did the council it seemed.

As she brooded in silence, she couldn't help but let her mind slip to the moment she shared with Cal after Obi-Wan's—fake—funeral. She remembered his soft eyes when she pulled away from him after she wept in his arms. Her fingers twirled a white curl mindlessly as the memory overtook her in an embrace much like Cal's. His arms were surprisingly muscular despite him only being 15.

The hug they had shared felt different. Different than the pity hugs she received from Anakin or Ahsoka. But she didn't know why it felt different.

Then she remembered the feeling that fluttered in her stomach when she met his eyes. Those stupid blue eyes that she could get lost in for hours.

What was that feeling she felt? Or the thought she had a second later. How she wanted to reach up and kiss him. But not in a romantic way she told herself. Definitely not in a romantic way.

But what if it was? She did not want to know what the council would have to say about that. If they were caught in that room together, it sure would've looked like something other than a grieving girl and a concerned friend.

"What's on your mind, Kennedy?" Ahsoka came up beside her and asked.

Kennedy blinked. She could feel her cheeks pounding with heat and knew her whole face must've been flushed indigo. Anakin was staring at her from the other side of the hull, listening in.

"Uh..." she was so flustered she didn't know what lie to come up with. "Nothing. Just," she sighed and shook her head, lowering her eyes to her feet. "It's nothing."

"Is it about Obi-Wan?"

Kennedy finally met Ahsoka's gaze. She had the most sincere eyes, Kennedy wanted to tell her about the things she had been feeling with Cal. But Anakin was actively listening, not to mention the full Jedi Council in the cockpit not too far away.

"Yeah," Kennedy said. "I-" she stuttered, trying to come up with a lie, "I still don't know what to think."

Ahsoka placed a hand on her shoulder. "I get it. If you need to talk about it, I'm here for you."

Kennedy gave her a small smile. "Thanks."

She looked back over to Anakin. He was still staring at her, but now his eyes were different as if he could see through her lie and straight into her heated thoughts. However, not long after she noticed him, he averted his gaze.

Before Kennedy knew it, they were landing on Naboo. The chancellor was the first to exit the transport, the Jedi Masters behind him, and Kennedy, Anakin, and Ahsoka in the back. The Queen of Naboo was waiting for them on the landing platform, along with Senator Amidala and royal guards.

"Greetings, Your Majesty," the chancellor bowed slightly at the waist. The Queen curtseyed back.

"Welcome home, Chancellor. I'm thankful to the Jedi for bringing you here safely," Senator Amidala smiled to Master Windu.

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