
Many years have passed since the last fight between the Demon Slayer and Muzan had happen . Yushiro takes a brake before he continues his painting and opens the television to the news, it's seen that the descendants of the slayers had become adults with their own family now. Kanata Kamado became a popular therapist while his brother Sumihiko Kamado had become normal zoo keeper who had recently saved a child from falling into an aquarium. Toko Agatsuma had become a prosecutor who fight for the truth while her brother Yoshiteru had became a novelist inspired by his great grandfather. Aoba Hashibara had continued to become a botanist despite the backlash he had received due to his mistake years ago, and many more who had become successful in their own way.

Despite all the years that has passed he saw one thing in common with them all, in any sort of way they were wearing the bracelets woven by Yuri all those years ago. This brought a smile to Yushiro's face as he pulls out the same box still containing the three bracelets still in perfect condition, seeing this he turns the television off and sneakily leaves his home as to not be seen by the dozens of people who swarm his home day and night just to get an interview.


He goes to a nearby park and takes a seat before pulling out a small sketchbook and starts to sketch the scenery around him. As he sketches the calming scenery of the park the sound of foot steps going his direction grabs his attention as he sees a young teenage girl running with her bag open, a book falls out opening to a certain page that makes Yushiro's eyes widen. As he stares intensely at the notebook a young boy picks it up shouting at the girl.

"Ren! Close your bag, your things keep falling!" The boy shouts waving the notebook with his other arm filled with other things the girl dropped.
"Gumo!! Don't wave my notebook around" Ren the girl rushes to her brother to grab the notebook.
"Then close your bag properly" Gumo spoke in serious tone with a lollipop in his mouth.

Ren then puffed her mouth as she shoves her things back in her bag. Gumo then notices Yushiro gazing at them intensely before coming close to him.

"Hey, quit starring at my sister" Gumo calmly said as he gazes at Yushiro intensely.
"Gumo, who are you talking to..." Ren said after fixing her things pauses for a moment as her eyes widen.
"Ren?" Gumo calls out as he places his hand on her shoulder.
"A-are you... Mr. Yushiro the painter of the Tamayo Paintings?" Ren shocking asks.
"... Mhm, Y-yes I am... I couldn't help but notice your notebook when it fell, it's filled with nice drawings, Ms. Ren Hajime" Yushiro calmly replied as he closes his sketchbook to see the two.
"You know us?!" Ren loudly asks with a big grin on her face.
"Ren, not so loud" Gumo said as he puts his hands on his neck that was hurting.
"Gumo Hajime and Ren Hajime, renowned kendo players known for being Kendo players who play together in a match. Creating the new kendo genre, especially when working together, Ren with her great defense while Gumo with his strong offense. You two work together so well like your one person fighting" Yushiro replied though a bit too detailed.
"Haha... Wow, you know a lot about us" Ren nervously chuckled as she rubs her head.

Yushiro pulled out the box, grabbing two bracelets and handing them to the siblings. The siblings a bit skeptical hesitate to grab it.

"Why are you giving us bracelets, Mr. Yushiro" Gumo asks worriedly.
"These were made by... a friend, and you two remind me of her and her brother" Yushiro explained his hand still reached out.
"Oh, what happened to them?" Ren asks curiously.
"They both are in a better place, I think their happy and together even right now" Yushiro replied as he looks at the two twins who are in front of him.
"I'm sorry for asking! But what were their names?" Ren apologizes as she bows.
"Rui and Yuri Ayaki" Yushiro replied as the two finally accepted the bracelets.
"Ren, aren't those the names of your character?" Gumo shocked asks Ren.
"You're right!" Ren said as she pulls out the notebook.

Ren opens up her notebook revealing the drawing of the spider siblings but they weren't nearly identical to the real version Yushiro met. Yushiro applauds her great arts skills as she explains she's a fan of his,  Yushiro smiles hearing this and remembers the last bracelet.

"Huh, one last..." Yushiro mutters as he looks at the final bracelet.
"Why don't you wear it?" Gumo brazenly said as he finishes his lollipop.
"I never thought of that..." Yushiro calmly exclaims to himself as he wears it.
"Of course, Ms. Yuri would make one for you as well!" Ren smilingly said.
"Thank you, Ren and Gumo Hajime" Yushiro said as he stands up and shakes their hands "A word of advise don't go bragging about meeting me, the journalists would swarm you as well".

With their goodbyes done, Yushiro watches as the reborn souls of the unfortunate siblings walk away happily discussing about school, kendo, and family.

"Live long and Happy, Yuri and Rui"


Hi! I know demons aren't supposed to be reborn or reincarnated but I think with all the good Yuri did as well as bringing her brother with it, she at least halved the good and bad karma they got.
 But it doesn't necessarily mean they're done suffering I'd like to think that Gumo is suffering neck pain as well as migraines constantly, while Ren suffers more on Mental Health issues like bipolar and depression but they get through it together and they use kendo as a bonding experience.

I hope you liked the story, Enjoy the rest of your day with a sibling or friend!

Rui's Dearest Lily (A KNY Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon