Chapter 7

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"you have broken your curse and created your own demon... Can you break ours?"


There was a bit of silence when Yuri had asked for Tamayo to free her and Rui from Muzan's curse. The faces of every demon in the room was different, Yuri was serious and was keen on freeing herself and Rui. Tamayo was shocked as one of the strongest and mysterious member of the moons was asking her for a cure. Yushiro was on guard as he couldn't trust Yuri and what her intention was. As for Rui, he was shocked as her sister was going to leave their master's side.

"Break Muzan's curse?" Tamayo worriedly remarks.
'Yuri... What are you doing? If master catches on...' Rui thought with a worried look on his face.
"Yes, Is it possible?" Yuri asked.
"..." Tamayo stayed silent thinking.
"Lady Tamayo, are you really going to trust these servants of Muzan?" Yushiro asked angrily with a hint of worry.
"Hey! Don't call us his Servants!-" Yuri loudly says with a bit of anger before clearing her voice and continuing "Mhm!- If I was working with him I wouldn't have knocked on the door, and started this conversation, instead I would have eliminated you so called "traitors" since I am uppermoon 0".
"Yushiro, this girl is right. She could have killed us at any moment but instead is asking for a cure to free herself from Muzan..." Tamayo re-iterates.
"Yuri is!- ..." Rui speaks out only to hesitate and just listens to the conversation.
"Brother, what were you going to say?" Yuri asked Rui kind of worried.
"I-It is nothing..." Rui quietly says to Yuri.
"I might be able to to make a cure using my own blood, so it might be possible to make a cure for you 2" Tamayo said agreeing to the request.
"Thank you very much, Lady Tamayo, for helping us!" Yuri said bowing.

Tamayo stands up as she heads to make the cure she tells Yushiro to stay with Yuri and Rui while she makes the cure. Yushiro stands near the door Tamayo is still on guard not fully trusting the siblings, while the siblings have a chat. 

"What were you gonna say a while ago, brother?" Yuri asked while playing with her threads.
"It is nothing special, but why are you betraying Master?" Rui worriedly asked Yuri.
"So we don't have to worry about him anymore..." Yuri explains vaguely.
"Worry about him? Master's only like that because we are weak... I am weak" Rui said upset.
"Brother, you aren't weak! You are the most strongest person I know!" Yuri upset said loudly.
"Please refrain from screaming... As to not distract her lady..." Yushiro butted in a bit angry.
"Ah... sorry. We'll try to keep it down" Yuri said a bit embarrassed.

"Yuri, you always get in trouble because of my weakness..." Rui said looking away.
"He is just a mean man who's using you... manipulated you from the very beginning" Yuri explains.
"Master gave me a body that can protect you, but despite that you who was born strong is stronger and still protects me..." Rui said with a upset expression.
"He uses you as a tool to force me to do horrible things... He isn't the savior you make him... out to... be..." Yuri unexpectedly says hesitating to say more. 

As the 2 continued, they hear the voice of Muzan speaking to them shocking them both. As Muzan realizes where they are, he orders the both to kill Tamayo and her demon. But Yuri stood against Muzan, refusing to harm Tamayo and Yushiro, as well as encouraging her brother to defy Muzan.

"What's wrong with you 2 now?" Yushiro noticing the siblings shocked expression.
"No, We are not going to harm them!" Yuri speaking to Muzan.
'You will do as I say, I am your master' Muzan said with a hint of anger towards the siblings.
"Brother, don't follow his orders!" Yuri said to Rui.
"I-I..." Rui hesitant to help booth sides.
'Yuri... You have no choice in the matter. Do as I say or your brother...' Muzan said before his brother collapsed blood dripping from his mouth.
"Hey! What's going on- ?!" Yushiro spoke loudly but not being heard by the siblings.
"Brother!! You Bakayarou!!!" Yuri shouts cursing Muzan.
"Kill them or your dear brother dies" Muzan brazenly said.

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