Chapter 9 pt. 2

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"AH!! The sun... Need to Hurry! Hurry!!"


Yuri arrive at Tamayo's home before falling onto the floor, she trembled from the thought of being met with such a gruesome death. She composed herself and stood up and began to dust herself of, when she suddenly hears footsteps rushing towards her direction.

"Is something burning?!" Yushiro shouts.
"T-there's nothing burning, Yushiro..." Yuri said calmly as she dusts off her kimono.
"Yuri!! Are you alright?" Rui said with worry as he sees burn marks.
"Brother, there no need to worry. I'm alright" Yuri replied with a gentle yet crooked smile.
"Let's bring you somewhere else away from the sun..." Rui sighed.


As they walk into a another room, Rui watches as Yuri's burn marks slowly heal. Yuri notices Rui's gaze and expression before covering up her burn marks. They arrives and suddenly Rui asks.

"Why do you risk you life for those stupid slayers?"
"I promise to be careful, brother..." Yuri replied in a hush tone while looking down.
"You can't promise that... you aren't allowed to follow them anymore" Rui said with a stern look.
"But, I want- need to help them-" Yuri tried to explain.
"As your brother, it's my responsibility to keep you safe. Every time you go out to help the slayers your always facing danger!" Rui butted in.
"Like what danger?" Yuri asks a bit annoyed.
"Example, Uppermoon 3 spotting you during that train mission and most likely reported it to Muzan and right now, almost burning to death because of the sun, so tell me why where you almost burned by the sun?" Rui in a serious manner said.
"I was... treating the slayers..." Yuri muttered.
"Yuri..." Rui called out sternly.
"I was treating them!" Yuri shouted calling the attention of Tamayo.
"Why would you treat them? Don't they have like a whole bunch of humans who do that for them? Why risk yourself-" Rui asks while grabbing Yuri's shoulder.
"It's not that simple... Okay? They were bleeding much more than what they should have!" Yuri explained.
"More than what they should? Yuri what are you saying?" Rui asks seriously despite his confusion.
"I... just, brother..." Yuri mutters in a foreign language.
"Yuri, I can't understand you. Tell me why you keep doing this-" Rui asks before being pushed away by Yuri.
"I know what will happen, what will occur. Ever since I was a kid-" Yuri shouts before covering her mouth in shocked of what she just revealed.
"Yuri, what are talking about now...?" Rui asks with worry.
"No... I- I didn't mean... t-to tell that..." Yuri stutters.

Yuri in a panics at what she just said, runs away just moments before the suns light reached the Tamayo's home. Rui tries to go after her but is unable due to the sun, all he could do was wait until night fall to search for his sister.

"Rui, What happened?" Tamayo asked worried for the siblings.
"Ms. Tamayo... " Rui softly said as tears starts to form.
"Rui, don't cry... all siblings go through fights once in a while..." Tamayo replied as she walks towards Rui and gently pats his head.
"But we usually don't fight, like ever..." Rui through sobs said while wiping his tears.
"There will always be a time when you disagree on things, even if you don't usually fight..." Tamayo softly said.
"But she left while the suns up..." Rui worryingly said.
"She knows the dangers of it, she might just be out there hiding. At night you can search for her" Tamayo reassuring Rui.
"Okay... Thank you ms. Tamayo" Rui calmly replied.


As Yuri flees from the home with the sun rising she finds shade under a building, she shifts into her human disguise to not attract the attention of humans as they walk the area. Yuri stays there with her thoughts alone to accompany her.

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