Chapter 6

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'Then... Who was I talking to?'


Tanjiro looks around the room confused and suddenly looks down on the thread on his wrist.  Questioning how it got there, and who was the person he heard. One of his conclusion was he might be insane to hear someone  in the middle of the night. He shrugged it off and just went back to sleep for now, and would ponder over it some other time.

The next day, in the Butterfly estate. Tanjiro and his friends take a brake from their rehabilitation training. Zenitsu and another were fighting just far in front of him, and again he pondered over the voice while looking at the thread on his wrist.

'Hm... I still can't wrap my head around this...' Tanjiro confusedly thought frowning his eyebrows.
"Come on!! Stop chasing meee!!" Zenitsu shouts being chased by the other person.
"Oi! Monitsu, let me try something!!" The boar head scream proceeding to chase Zenitsu.
"It's Zenitsu! And no, you cannot!!" Zenitsu once again screams running to Tanjiro's side and hiding in the back.
"Eh!- Move aside Monjiro!" The boar head said to Tanjiro angrily.

Tanjiro still pondering over the thread didn't notice the 2.

"Tanjiro!!!" Zenitsu screams, breaking Tanjiro train of thought.
"Ah- s-sorry... I-inosuke, stoop chasing, Zenitsu" Tanjiro apologizes and scold the boar head.
"You aren't the boss of me, Kentaro!!" The boar head, known as Inosuke shouts and starts to chase the 2 of them.
"INOSUKE!!" Tanjiro & Zenistu shouts while being chased by Inosuke.


In the middle of a heavily shaded forest, stood Yuri and Rui under the abandoned hunt they found, Rui seemed to be playing with his thread. Yuri on the other hand had been listening to the 3 friends the whole morning using the thread on Tanjiro's wrist, and she seemed to be happy listing. When she finally decided to stop she went up to her brother, and asked him something.

"Brother, do you believe in the concept of  reincarnation?" Yuri asked blankly.
"Hm... not that much why ask, Yuri?" Rui asked with a side smile on his face.

There was this woman in odd clothing, she had a pretty normal life. She had work as her favorite hobby, but her life went wrong in a turn of events. When she was hit by this big machine that had something like lanterns for eyes. Smoke would puff out of the back.

And this is a story I never heard from anyone, Brother..." The girl said with a crooked smile.

"Hm... I really do not know what to respond to that, Yuri... You might just had a dream about it when we were still human, or this woman in odd clothing might be a past life of yours Yuri..." Rui tried to answer while having an awkward smile.

"Hm... Maybe... She could also speak what this language is called" Yuri explained and speaking to another language at the end.
"Ah that language... Well it might just be a coincidence, there is no use in thinking about this when we only have little information" Rui said sounding a bit serious as he stared into the sky seeming to have a sunset.
"Maybe, shall we have a stroll around a near by city, brother?" Yuri agreeing stood up dusting of her clothes and asked her brother happily. 
"Sure, I might as well grab a snack" Rui said happily before making a blank face.
'I'll finally find the house behind the illusions' Yuri thought.

Hearing what her brother said her smile went crooked and a sweat drops as they walk out of the forest and walk around the edges of the near by city named Asakusa. As they walked around the edges and through alleyways, Yuri noticed a certain wall and stopped at it. Rui seemed confused as to why Yuri would stop at this dead end, Yuri then reaches out her hand to the wall and her hand phase through he wall. After she put her hand down she held her brothers hand and walked into the wall, after phasing through the wall they were greeted by a huge house which was seemingly hidden.

"H-how is this here?" Rui whispered to himself.
"The house behind illusions..." Yuri muttered to herself as she walked towards the house dragging her brother as well.
"Y-Yuri, do you now this place?" Rui asked in a low voice to Yuri as she pulls his arm.
"..." Yuri hearing her brother didn't mutter a word as she continue to the house.

The siblings reach the entrance of the house, Yuri knocks on the door when they heard 2 voices seemingly confused. The door cracked open just a bit  then a voice of a man could be heard speaking in a serious tone.

"Who is there?" the man spoke.
"We are here to see Lady Tamayo" Yuri said in a seemingly serious tone as well.
"Lady Tamayo!/?" The man and Rui said shockingly.
"H-how did you come to know this place!" The voice shouts now sounding angry as they open the door.

The man was a demon, they had lilac colored eyes, with light green hair.

"Tch! Lowermoon 5 and another demon!" the green haired demon ran back inside to inform the other person who was lady Tamayo.
"Sorry for the intrusion" Yuri said as she enters the house with her brother.
"Yuri, how did you know that the traitor lives here? We might win the favor of master with the heads of these demons!" Rui said seemingly shocked.
"Brother, we are not here for that..." Yuri said in a blank expression, confusing Rui.

"Lady Tamayo we must leave immediately!" The green haired demon said.
"Who was it Yushiro?" Lady Tamayo said calmly to the other demon.
"Lowermoon 5 and another demon have found this place!-" Yushiro said in a worried tone.
"Sorry to interrupt your conversation, Lady Tamayo and Yushiro" Yuri said standing in the door way to their current room.
"Lady Tamayo run I will distract these 2" Yushiro said as he prepares to attack.
"We are not here to fight, and even we do fight I'm sad to say this whole place will turn into rubble..." Yuri said blankly.
"What do you mean?" Yushiro asked confused but still having his guard up.
"..." Yuri didn't utter a word with a blush.
"Yuri here is Uppermoon 0, and I am very proud of her" Rui said blankly but in the inside he was very proud of his sister.
"Brother..." Yuri said embarrassed while crouching down and covering her face that was red.

'If lowermoon 5 was telling the truth... this demon girl is even stronger than the supposed Uppermooon 1... I must get Lady Tamayo to safety
"If you may we would like to meet lady Tamayo, and I won't have to use force..." Yuri said wtill having a bit of red on her face.
"Yushiro let comply with them..." Lady Tamayo said calmly walking back into the room.
"Lady Tamayo..." Yushiro muttered.
"What business do you want with me, Uppermoon 0?" Lady Tamayo said seriously.

"You have broken her curse and created your own demon... Can you break ours?"

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