Chapter 5

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"No, I guess I am not"


The girl said as she removes the katana of the female slayer from her body and with her brother jumps into the forest and disappears. The butterfly kimono slayer and the blacked haired man, Tomioka tried to find the girl but they couldn't seem to find her within this forest. They then had a fight with each other, where in the boy with burgundy hair was running away from a girl with black hair with pink tips. Then a sudden call from a crow was heard and all of them stopped.

'Who was that, if she was a demon given powers by lower moon 5 then her webs wouldn't be that strong... If she an entirely different demon, who is she' the thought of Tomioka before he ws interrupted by the female slayer he came with.


With Rui and Yuri, they rested in another abandoned house they found as they fled from the slayers. As the girl was laying down on her brother's lap, they then found themselves in another location. It was a place with multitudes of rooms that were facing or planted in abnormal positions. With other demons on the same floor as them. The boy seemed confused to where he was but the girl had a calm face, like she had been here.

"Where are we..." Rui exclaimed confusedly.
"Master's Dimensional hide out... Master must have summoned us" Yuri said said plainly.
"Master's hide out..." Rui muttered quietly.

A women suddenly appeared before the siblings, at a higher position. The boy then questioned why a woman was their, before his younger sister bowed greeting the woman who was their master. The boy and the other demons then followed, quickly bowing before they were punished.

"Greetings, Master" Yuri said calmly while eyes closed.
"Lower moon 5, what kind of performance was that?" Muzan said a hint of anger could be noticed "Your friend had to save you from being killed by that hashira".
'That man was a hashira?!' Rui thought, as well as the other demons 'Lowermoon faought a hashira?'.
"Yes, that man was a hashira. Since you lowermoons have always been defeated and replaced because of hashiras you are all useless to me" the man said coldly and starts to dispose of them.

As the man disposes the lowermoons, some pleaded, while one ran away to be only caught in the clutches of their master. As the man goes for the boy, the sister blocks him, the girl gives a glare to their master. The man relinquish his attacks and turns to the last demon, lowermoon 1 who had a different perception of his death and says what was on his mind. Their master then instead of killing him gives him more of his blood and sends him away as well as the boy who was frozen in fear.

"Tell me, Yuri. Why do you insist in keeping your useless brother?" Muzan said coldly to the girl.
"Despite being demons, we are still family" Yuri said head looking down.
"No demons are family, that little family your brother made was just his delusion" Muzan replied walking to the girl, before putting a hand on her head.
"Your brother has disappointed me already, you better not disappoint me next. You are the most unique demon I have ever made, so exceed my expectations, Yuri" Muzan continued before she was back with her brother.

The girl staggered and fell to the floor, questioning what she has gotten too and how her life made a turn of events. The brother noticing his sister has arrived in an anxious state hugs her and calms her down. 


As the boy with burgundy hair was being carried away by someone covered head to toe the only exception was their eyes. A group of slayers known as the Hashira stood before a man with scars near his eyes blinding him. This meeting was with the Hashiras and the head of the Demon Slayer corps.

"Now let us resume to the Hashira meeting" The blind man said calmly "Firstly does anyone have reports about their recent mission?".
"Master, if I may? This report is from the Natagumo mountain mission" the slayer with the butterfly kimono said.
"Ofcourse, Shinobu" Their master said to the female slayer named Shinobu.
"Thank you, when me and Tomioka arrived the demon who caused the disappearance of slayer recently was a group formed by lowermoon 5" Shinobu explained "When I had arrived to the location of lowermoon 5, Tomioka and I were unable to cut the threads surrounding the demon. Before it unraveled revealing a female demon beside lowermoon 5".
"If the female demon was another member of lowermoon 5's group, wouldn't her threads be weaker and unflashy compared to lowermoon 5?" a man with Fuchsia colored eyes replied.
"The 2 must've been weak to not be able to cut some damn threads!" A man with scars on his face said aggresivly.
"Now, now let Shinobu continue" The blind man said.
"As I was saying, When I had poisoned the female demon with the same poison as another demon I had killed from the same group she was able to break it down quiet fast and remove my blade form her body, and vanished out of thin air" Shinobu finally concluded her report.

The rest of the Hashira's were silent as their master was thinking about the odd female demon the 2 had encounter. Suddenly a word from a small boy looking about 14 years old was heard.

"What if the female demon was an uppermoon?" the boy was looking at the clouds.
"It couldn't be, an uppermoon protecting a weak lowermoon! Ha! What a funny thought, Muichiro!" the man with Fuchsia eyes said laughing at the thought.
"What thought?" the boy, Muichiro said expressionless.
"Muichiro could be right, but that be so noble of the demon to do. Right?" A woman with odd pink and green hair spoke blushing.
"No it isn't Kanroji, a demon is still a demon whether they protect their kind or not" a man with 2 eye color said to the woman, Kanroji.

"Who really is that female demon..." Tomioka muttered.
"What was that, Tomioka?"  the man with Fuchsia eyes said loudly.
"Nothing, Tengen" Tokioka replied tot he man named Tengen.

There was nothing but chatter between the Hashiras about the mysterious female demon. Until their had held a hand up and suddenly they were quiet like the man was their father.

"Since, we have little information with this unknown demon let us resume this topic when we have enough information about them" the blind man said.


Later that same night, as the boy with burgundy hair was resting on the medical bed assigned to him. As he laid there eyes shut a faint smell of a web had entered his nose, and a voice could be heard from somewhere unknown.

"Who are you, where are you?" The burgundy boy said.
"Ah s-sorry, do not be alarmed boy. I apologize for my rudeness but what is your name?"
"I am Tanjiro Kamado, and who are you stranger?" He said in guarded tone.
"Again I must apolagize, I cannot disclose who I am..."
"The reason I had contacted you, is that when you find the time to meet with your master please untie the blue thread on your wrist"
"What thread-" The boy, Tanjiro asked as he looked down to find the thread tied on his wrist "How did this get here who are you?".

"Mm... Tanjiro, who are you talking to?" A boy with blonde hair said.
"You didn't hear anything?" Tanjiro confused asked.
"No, you were just talking by yourself" The blond boy still sleepy said.
"Ah... sorry for waking you up, Zenitsu..." Tanjiro said apolagetic while scratching his head.

The blond boy name, Zenitsu grumbled an it's okay before falling back to sleep. 

'Then... who was I talking to?'

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