"Excuse me?" I glare at him. "Don't presume to understand my needs."

"You've been here three nights in a row." Henderson scoffs. "You're still a mystery to me, but that part you can't hide."

I arch an eyebrow. "What part?"

"Your hunger." He juts his chin behind me; the tavern is full tonight, and he's implying I have options to choose from.

"What are you trying to say?"

"That you need to get laid," he insists, pointing his rag at those behind me. "And there are many in here who would fold in half for you."

I frown, but my insides heat up.

I'm hot enough to take any of these patrons home.

Az appears in my mind again, and I growl as I slog down half my drink.

Henderson is right. If I can't have Az—and I can't—then I need to satisfy my urges with someone else. Masturbation doesn't help, and I need a real connection to assuage me.

I spin on my stool, gauging the crowd of drinkers.

A few dapper men are grouped around a table in the back, daring each other to drinking contests. I wrinkle my nose; I'd rather someone fairly sober for a better experience.

Other men sit here and there, ogling me, or focused on their beverages, plucking away at bowls of nuts or cheese.

And then, seated on one of the couches in the rear, is her.

The crowd parts to show her. A goddess. Not a real one, but she exudes all the qualities of the type of woman I enjoy having sex with.

Loose, but intelligent. Needy, but generous.

She spreads her legs, though her lengthy dress covers what I'd like to see most. Her hands rest on her thighs, and her gaze is on me.

She noticed me?

She nods. Her message is direct: join me. I can tell, even from across the room, that she's been watching, and she's interested.

I stand, and take a moment to read her heart, to make sure she's not another demon in disguise, or a heart on the verge of going dark. Thankfully, she's pure.

I take one step towards her and see her perking up. She arches her spine, poking her hefty bosom out, inviting me.

Her curves draw the eye. Her oval-shaped face shows warmth, tenderness. Her gown is well-made; a silk-like texture, meaning she's upper-class.

And she's all but waving me over now, adrenaline pumping through her. Oh, she's eager, and she'll do anything I want. This woman is what I need tonight. Docile but playful, and incredibly sexy.

She moves her legs and lightly lifts her gown to show her ankles, her calves. I'm hooked.

I can't wait to play out all my fantasies with her, and get my mind off of—

The door whips open, and on instinct, I twist towards it.

A familiar burly silhouette stands there. I recognize his features. The dark eyes, the defined nose and jawline, the subtle hint of a sneaky smile over his juicy lips.


I rub my eyes. Am I hallucinating? Days of wishing for him to come back, and all of a sudden he's here?

It's too good to be true.

"Dru," he says, spotting me frozen in the middle of the busy room.

My jaw drops.

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