04 - HIM

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Hazelvale is a mess of townsfolk. Welcoming, not too apprehensive of me, and offering well wishes whenever I walk by the crowded streets or the overflowing market stalls.

They've been friendly and caring. Some too friendly and caring. But that works in my favor, since I have so much to learn as a newly created demon meant to wreak havoc in the form of heartbreaks.

To cause heartbreaks, I have to understand how to woo, be enticing. How to be so irresistible that the notion of being away from me is terrifying.

For days I meandered the city, having drinks in shabby taverns, studying the population. I ate popular fare and learned dialects to blend in. I bought clothing—that barely fit me, as my frame was so inhumanly large—and grew accustomed to the city life.

And I spoke with the inhabitants. Within a day, I ended up in darkened rooms with my clothes off. And it was better than anything I'd ever imagined.

I approached sex with caution, at first, letting my partners guide me. But I quickly learned its elaborate ways.

Now, a few days later, I parade down the dark main avenue. I smile, because I'm fully educated in those elaborate ways.

I've been a busy demon since arriving from Hell, and I have no complaints yet.

I danced with damsels who dripped desire. I frolicked with men who knew all the subtleties of bringing pleasure to places I didn't know existed. And I ventured into obscure alleys with genderless individuals who showed me tricks to use in my favor when it was my time to seduce.

That time is coming fast. Tonight, I'm on the prowl. I need someone to test my new knowledge on, someone to tease and trap and break.

And for that, I have to take all I've learned and use it on a few willing victims, to gauge my power, my newfound expertise. To break hearts, I'll need to get my hands dirty.

I lick my lips, looking forward to it all.

As I continue my walk, I recall how, earlier, I detected magic coming from the southern entrance. A blurry blow of tingles in my gut, my senses picking up on something unnatural, inhuman.

Something like me.

I decide to track it now, curious.

Fifteen minutes of sniffing around, and I figure out it's coming from a quaint tavern near the gates. Hazel's Vale.

I enter it, my massive frame hardly passing through its narrow doorway. It's empty inside but for the barkeep, a cloaked lady at the bar, and a handful of other patrons seated at booths.

"Close the damn thing, will ya?" says one patron, miffed at the cold seeping in as I linger in the doorway.

"Sorry. Sit anywhere?" I ask, peering towards the barkeep, who shrugs, mumbling something incoherent.

The patrons are staring, and not discreetly, as I remove my cloak, throw it onto the coat-rack, and pad into the place.

I take a seat at the closest table. The candle in the center flickers from my movement, and the chair creaks from my weight.

I'm not a giant by demonic standards, but for humans, I'm impressive. Those who don't sway up to me fawning and batting their eyelashes tend to back away and hide. This doesn't offend me; there are plenty who are intrigued by me and not afraid to approach.

I wait, in silence, and all the gazes move away from me.

Foreign and imposing, sure, but I'm uninteresting to this local crowd.

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