06 - HIM

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"I want to know who you are," she says, her tone firm, but softness cracks through.

She's intrigued.

"I'm Az," I say, hesitating to hold out my hand to shake hers. I have a feeling that if our fingers touch, something will jolt through me, and I'll yank her close to sit in my lap.

If she's that close to me, there's no telling what I'll do to her.

Too soon.

She wants it too. She's leaning forward, pressing her heavy bosom against the table, then angling back to study me with her sharp gaze, her eyebrows angled.

I've never seen anything so incredibly beautiful, but so frustrating.

The way she makes me feel, the pulsations she causes in my lower half are painful. I have to resist her for my plans to work.

"I'm Dru," she says, tilting her head and squinting. She, like me, prefers to go by a nickname, for reasons unknown. "But that's not what I meant."

I don't need her real name to get into her heart and tear it to shambles. I can still whisper to her all the pleasurable things I plan to do, then rip her feelings from her chest before she has a chance to realize what's happening.

This is it. This is her. The one I'm meant to start this entire process with. I still can't figure out why she's so magical, so enticing, but the hunch won't leave me alone, prodding at me.

"I understand, but I figured we should start with some way of identifying one another. So...Dru," I say, letting the name roll off my tongue. "That's lovely."

She purses her lips, assessing me. She's not unhappy with what she sees, I know; but she's hesitant to let her feelings for me bloom.

Good. You should be afraid.

Part of the process of heart-breaking is to give, give, give...then suddenly take it all away, before coming back to give more. I have to dig deep, ensure she's obsessed with me before I disappear, and only return when she's on the verge of losing her mind.

Then I give in to her. Allow her to wrap me up in her desire, coerce her into succumbing to my lips, my tongue, my cock.

From the way she keeps staring at my crotch, I can tell she's eager for that last part.

I'm ready to obey my master's plans—woo, work up, fuck, then abandon—but my urges are strong, getting the best of me. The more I watch her wiggle about, drawing attention to her exquisite body, the more I want to say fuck it and have her, right here. Without delay.

The ways I could bend her over, slide her skirts up, and insert myself into her—endless possibilities. I envision her screams of pleasure, her pleas for me to keep thrusting, harder, deeper, faster.

She's a naughty one, it's evident in her lip-licking, eye-fucking, taunting mannerisms.

But I can't cave yet. I must heed the rules.

"Az," she says, elongating the two letters of my nickname. "Interesting name. Where is it from? Where are you," she furrows her brows, "from? You've still not told me."

I clear my throat. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me," she says, her teeth scraping over her lower lip.

It's an invitation. And it's increasingly difficult to imagine leaving this decadent woman alone, but I have to resist. It'll throw everything off balance if I don't.

My urges must wait.

She's something else. Something I've never learned about. Something Bazroth didn't give me knowledge on. She presents as human, but there's more to her, internally. That pure heart, the energy radiating off her...

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